The kings of Persia thought his benediction a great happiness.
A father who loves his son ought more to rejoice at his so great happiness than if he had seen him a thousand times king of the whole earth, and his life and kingdom secured to him for ten thousand years.
Having discharged all his duties and having protected the earth, and having also protected his cities, a king attains to great happinessin heaven.
Many men, with weakened minds, covet objects that are fraught with great happiness.
On the branches of the tree there lived a cat, of the name of Lomasa, in great happiness, daily devouring a large number of birds.
The duties imposed upon Kshatriyas are plain, productive of great happiness, evident in respect of their results, free from deceit, and beneficial to the whole world.
I believe, Miss Margaret, this whole trip provides you with great happiness.
How's a fellow to cultivate a great happiness when he never can catch up to it.
For me, I think that I could never forget a great happiness, that it would light up my life and make it bearable no matter what the after conditions might be," said Margaret thoughtfully.
The warm affection of the people of Petersham was a great happiness to her; after long illness and enforced absence from the village she wrote to her daughter: "You can't think what good it did me to see a village friend again.
I said, of course, that it would be a great happiness to us all not to lose him, but that I was very doubtful of the wisdom of his decision, as it might only be rendering himself more unhappy.
In 1885 the marriage of her son Rollo to Miss Alice Godfrey was a great happiness to her.
A line from him now and then, if he can find time, would be a great delight to me; but I know that he thinks and prays, and that is indeed a great happiness.
It cost you a great effort, I am sure, and much pain, I fear; but I know it was a comfort to you that it was written, and indeed it was a great happiness to me to read it.
One of them is dying, and so I am to be now talking as well as I can, but at all events reading and praying, with this poor fellow, and a great happiness it is to have such a privilege and so on.
Again they passed the night together in great happiness and in the early dawn before she flew away the maiden gave him the last two of the golden apples.
She responded to his love and they spent the night together in great happiness.
As for the girl, she married the Prince and they lived together in great happiness.
It happened that Jacob came to so great happiness as rarely any other person had arrived at.
When Jeroboam the king had passed his life in great happiness, and had ruled forty years, he died, and was buried in Samaria, and his son Zachariah took the kingdom.
They were all from St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, thoroughly good people, and a great happiness to us.
This little one stayed with us only seventeen months, and was a great happiness to me; then Sir James Brooke took her to England.
It was a great happiness to us that none of our boys were killed in the insurrection; three got away to Sambas, the rest came back to the school one by one, having all escaped the Dyaks.
And whoso obeyeth GOD and his apostle, God shall lead him into gardens wherein rivers flow, they shall continue therein forever; and this shall be great happiness.
I am happier to-day than I have been in years, for I do believe that in some mysterious way Providence has granted me the opportunity to help others to a great happiness.
Believe me that it is a great happiness to be so close to some one who is dear and necessary to you.
We have done our duty, that is all, and we have found in it a great happiness.
I could not help smiling at the exactitude about Monday the 19th of June; it is a great happiness to us to think with such certainty (D.
The good news of the dear Nemours coming is a great happiness to us, and I fervently hope and trust that the Duc de Bordeaux will be kept off, which I fully expect he will.
We have got our dear Uncle Mensdorff[33] and his four sons here, which is a great happinessto us.
Then Jean raises her eyes, and though the tears are shining in them, they are full of a great happiness.
As if I could forget," Farr murmured to himself, as he strode away, his face alight with a great happiness.
But her face was still illumined, and in the depths of her shining eyes lingered the reflection of her soul's great happiness.
The old king was highly satisfied with his son's doings, and handed over to Mirko the royal power and the whole realm: he himself and Knight Mezey retired into quiet secluded life, and lived long in great happiness.
She was soon afterwards crowned queen of the realm, and chose Paul for her consort, and got married; if they have not died since they are still alive, and in great happinessto this day.
In the beginning she had asked them every day, as modestly as she could, if they would not let her go home, now that she had had the great happiness of seeing her mother and her brothers and sisters.
Without hesitation she replied at once: 'If he be such a King and such a Christian as thou sayest, Hjalte, then I consider it would be a great happiness.
But an ecstasy was growing up within him which kept his own ears shut to everything but one interior voice; he was meditating a great sacrifice; and a great happiness began to inhabit his soul.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great happiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.