This dancing is to the ballet of civilized lands what the gracelessness of Egypt was to the grace of Greece.
We should have loved one another had we known how; as it was, all our intercourse was marked on his part by the gracelessness of rusticity, and by the impertinence of adolescence on mine.
It wasn't until I had the means to give my personal preference full scope, that I discovered how much of gracelessness in myself had been but the unconscious reaction to inharmonies of colour and line.
His jaw stiffened, then with a sense of chagrin for this gracelessness he stepped forward with a belated cordiality.
Yet, how could he without utter gracelessness decline?
All that day I had studied the land, musing upon its distinctive qualities, and while I acknowledged the natural beauty of it, I revolted from the gracelessness of its human habitations.
Whatever may have been his gracelessnessand his faults, he had loved his wife; and now that he was losing her, that love was greater than it had ever been: some pricks of conscience may have been mingled with it, too!
But he did not choose to descant upon his gracelessness to Margery.