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Example sentences for "gothe"

Lexicographically close words:
gost; got; gote; goten; goth; gothique; gotra; gotras; gotta; gotte
  1. And also as for the goyng to the see, my Lord of Warwyke schyppys gothe to the see, as I understond.

  2. Item, I pray yow send me some tydyngs how the world gothe ad confortandum stomacum.

  3. But to this question, I schal answere, That see of Caspye gothe out be londe, undre the mountaynes, and rennethe be the desert at o syde of the contree; and aftre it strecchethe unto the endes of Persie.

  4. And that other ryvere is clept Nilus or Gyson, that gothe be Ethiope, and aftre be Egypt.

  5. And than the preestes casten the gobettes of the flesche; and than the foules eche of hem takethe that he may, and gothe a litille thens and etethe it: and so thei don whils ony pece lastethe of the dede body.

  6. Betwene the mountaynes, the Jewes of 10 lynages ben enclosed, that men clepen Gothe and Magothe: and thei mowe not gon out on no syde.

  7. And after a bytter wynde comes Whiche gothe through the soules with yre; Fendes with pokes pulle theyr flesshe ysondre, They fyght and curse, and eche on other wonder.

  8. In that contree is no nedy man, ne none that gothe on beggynge.

  9. And that money gothe thorghe out alle the contree, and thorghe out alle his provynces.

  10. And aftre it envyronnethe alle Ethiope and Morekane, and gothe alle along fro the Lond of Egipte; unto the cytee of Alisandre, to the ende of Egipte; and there it fallethe into the See.

  11. And the grees, that he gothe up to the table, ben of precyous stones, medled with gold.

  12. And thanne aftre comethe the 4 hoost, that is moche more than ony of the othere, and that gothe behynden him, the mountance of a bowe draught.

  13. And men gothe fro Surre unto the citee of Dacoun [Footnote: St. Jean d'Acre.

  14. And whan this emperour wille ryde from o contree to another, he ordeynethe 4 hostes of his folk; of the whiche, the firste hoost gothe before him, a dayes iourneye.

  15. And his eldest sone gothe be another weye in another chariot, in the same manere.

  16. And another hoost gothe in the right syde of the emperour, nygh half a journeye fro him.

  17. And wyde without mesure: theyr stuffe to wast thus gothe But other some they suffer to dye for lacke of clothe.

  18. Ful sore he laboureth: and oft hungry gothe to bed Sparinge from hymselfe: for hym that neuer shal After do hym goode.

  19. Kyng servis in his warris and in the defence of this his lond, and sufficiently lorned in the seid crafte, gothe vagaraunt and unoccupied and may not have thar labour to ther levyng.

  20. And then he gothe to his cardwirdrawer and seithe the same to hym, and he dothe as his maister biddithe hym.

  21. Betwene the mountaynes the Jews of 10 lynages ben enclosed, that men clepen Gothe and Magothe: and they mowe not gon out on no syde.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gothe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.