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Example sentences for "gotta"

Lexicographically close words:
goth; gothe; gothique; gotra; gotras; gotte; gotten; gotter; gottin; gotto
  1. No, I won't if I gotta tell the conductor I'm under five.

  2. No, if I gotta tell the conductor I'm under five I better stay home.

  3. Capriano say you gotta da time, plenty time.

  4. I gotta some peep' downstairs in da restaurant," he said.

  5. And they gotta die, O Lord of Israel, them there Egyptians is about to hop the twig.

  6. But it's because your filthy claw touched my girlie that you gotta hop!

  7. All I know is that whatever is livin' in Drowned Valley at this hour has gotta live and die there.

  8. Clinch relighted his cigar and repeated the rulings which had caused the fracas: "You gotta play square cards here or you don't play none in my house.

  9. He gnawed his thin lips into control: "Girlie, I gotta go out a spell.

  10. But, Lord, I gotta get my girlie outa here; and Harrod he walled me in with the chariots and spears of Egypt, till I nigh went wild.

  11. All we gotta do is make out to get ahead o' his old cough wagons and not let 'em pass.

  12. Now what we gotta do is string out our outfit so's none o' us'll hit one o' those places when the machines are comin'.

  13. You gotta fight the devil with fire, as they say.

  14. He's gotta keep up the road, so o' course he's gonta charge other folks to travel on it.

  15. Here it's only ten days till I gotta plunk down six thousan' iron men, plus a raft o' interest money.

  16. I've promised Hooker to lead him to fame and fortune, and to do that I gotta stick with 'im, ain't I?

  17. I've heard there's a stage goin' out to the north to-night, and I gotta make it.

  18. I gotta get back to my blankets and lay down.

  19. I've been near lynchin' twice, and I hates the looks of a slip-noose yet; but I gotta have money.

  20. I gotta get to work and make a stake--me," he had declared.

  21. You don't gotta believe me if you don't wanta.

  22. A fellow in my job's gotta have a lot of imagination," he concluded complacently.

  23. Oh, mister, I gotta get out of this swell dump.

  24. Dat's w'at Ah gotta do, an' Ah ain' gwine lose no time about it either.

  25. Ah done see w'at Ah gotta do wid yo'," Sambo announced.

  26. You gotta give th’ kid credit for havin’ it in him.

  27. And maybe you gotta build up a little forge.

  28. All you gotta do is find your way around.

  29. Get a nice touch, it looks so good I gotta go back for seconds, and they're waiting.

  30. Cause I gotta date with the fellas this evening, and I gotta beat it," he declared impatiently.

  31. Gee, Shirley, I gotta be at the store all evening," he said, bolting his food hurriedly.

  32. We gotta keep the original o' course, but that won't make any beans for you.

  33. Give him a new necktie, he's gotta go to dinner with the Lodge.

  34. I gotta get out, Charley; I gotta get out and get air.

  35. If you don't like my doings, Hattie Krakow, there ain't no law says we gotta room together.

  36. We gotta quit doing the rounds for a while till--only for a little while.

  37. I gotta like a queen pretty much not to get sore at a busted evening like this.

  38. We gotta think of something else bad to do.

  39. Dang it, we gotta find something better than this nail polish.

  40. Rescuing this boy cost us a lot and we gotta be sure you'll pay us for it.

  41. Part of the way, we gotta crawl through this conduit; it's only about a yard square.

  42. I gotta make it quick, I'm going in for some pictures.

  43. Oh, I gotta hear this," Scott said reclining in the deep plush cloth covered couch.

  44. Just a job, but I gotta story much more interesting.

  45. Hey, sooner or later I gotta call it quits," Ty replied soberly.

  46. I gotta make one phone call, for a confirmation.

  47. You gotta rock in there," thumping Emil on the ribs.

  48. My wheat's short, but it's gotta grand full berries.

  49. My, a-an't you gotta fine plants; such-a much flower.

  50. I gotta green man running it, and I gotta to keep an eye on him.

  51. An' she soun' so good, seem like she GOTTA mean somep'm!

  52. She's gotta ring in 'er fortune and she will get married, but it will be to a dark man who'll cross water to meet her.

  53. But wot I ses is, if this 'ere propogal don't come orf this evenin', I gotta plan.

  54. You gotta rival for 'is affeckshuns,' continued Elizabeth.

  55. Stiles is there an' we gotta get him away from those guys.

  56. We gotta do some careful gumshoein', old man.

  57. I gotta keep incog with the servants, see.

  58. The whole mob'll be chasin' off in a minute an' that's the chanst we gotta lay for.

  59. If I gotta go to the calaboose I gotta go, that's all.

  60. We gotta find her, bo," he said to Theriere.

  61. We gotta keep our eyes peeled," said Eddie, as they wound into a ravine which from its location evidently led directly up to the village.

  62. We gotta get out of this," and lifting his wounded comrade in his arms he ran for the shelter of the bluff from the summit of which the snipers had fired upon them.

  63. You've gotta die and if you was half a man you'd wanna die like one.

  64. We gotta make a mighty quick run of it," said Skipper Simms to Ward, "or we'll go to pieces on them rocks afore ever we find a landing.

  65. They gotta get a little sleep first, though, an' I gotta get some supper.

  66. Wait, I gotta clippin' from the Trib in my clothes somewheres that gives all the dope.

  67. We gotta make a fight of it, little girl," he said.

  68. I suppose we gotta make de best of it," he said.

  69. We gotta go see if she's here or not, an' don't try any funny business on me, Eddie.

  70. Ef you come back you gotta stand trial fer that--see?

  71. I gotta chance to get away and live straight, and have a little happiness in life, and, Flannagan, the man who tries to crab my game is goin' to get himself croaked.

  72. We gotta find a sort o' hiding place if we can, dat a fellow kin barricade wit something.

  73. Gotta be ten a week or I--I'll find out why.

  74. I've gotta help Hump Weaver pull the Gleaner out.

  75. Which means we gotta keep company from movin' in.

  76. You gotta cross Tennessee to git to Kaintuck.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gotta" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.