The male gote haz two horns on the ridge ov hiz hed, and a mustash on hiz bottom lip, and iz the plug ugly ov hiz naberhood.
In writing the history ov the male and female gote tew adorn the pages ov futer times, i flatter miself that i hav stuck tew the truth, and haven't allowed mi imaginashun tew boss the job.
Thare iz only two animals ov the earth that will eat tobakko--one iz a man and tuther iz a gote, but the gote understands it the most, for he swallers the spit, chaw and all.
A maskuline gote will fite ennything, from an elephant down to hiz shadder on a ded wall.
I wouldn't like tew beleave enny man under oath who had ever seen a maskuline gote acktually die, and stay so.
How long a gote livs without giving it up, thare iz no man now old enuff tew tell.
The femail gote iz either the mother, or sister, or cuzzin ov the male gote, ackording tew the prevailing circumstansis in the case, or else i labour under a delusion, i forget witch.
They foughte with noble courage, and gotemanye towers, houses and Zoties.
Gote that spoke of it first, but my gal here was more'n willing to come.
Brigadier Stapleton is among them, and God knows how many more officers; for we have not gote home to count them yet.
We were amasyd as and if a man had stryke vs with a clube, or we had be slayne with a thonderclape, and we very lowly axid pardon of oure folishe boldenes, and gote vs frome thens.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gote" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.