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Example sentences for "gooin"

Lexicographically close words:
goodt; goodwife; goodwill; goodwives; gooid; goold; goolden; goon; goons; goor
  1. When they wor gooin hooam he said, "Susy, awm sure tha limps.

  2. Ax twenty fowk this question o' th' fourth o' November, "Are yo gooin to buy ony fireworks this year?

  3. Aw niver see a chap 'at's tryin to get on but what he reminds me ov once gooin to a Baptist chapel to see a lot o' fowk kursened.

  4. Aw heeard awr Abram telling Betty 'at "he believed his fayther wor gooin to get kursen'd or summat.

  5. Aw think aw could tell what day it wor th o' aw didn't know if aw could see a lot o' factry fowk gooin to ther wark.

  6. It caps me what fowk can see i' gooin an makkin a swill tub o' ther guts!

  7. Nah, if yo think awm gooin a beggin for her to owd Stooansnatch yo're off yor horse, for awm net.

  8. Jack gate his hat an' wor just gooin aght, when they discovered 'at it wor rainin varry fast.

  9. It's a strange thing, but it's a disease 'at's gooin abaat amang dogs just at present.

  10. But tha knows 'at for monny a wick Aw've been savin mi brass to get wed; An aw'd meant thee gooin wi' me to pick Aght some chairs an a table an bed.

  11. All th' wealth yo may have can't prevent Grim Deeath commin to yo some day; An yo'll have to give up ivvery cent, When yor time comes for gooin away.

  12. Aw hooap tha art'nt gooin to sink Thi mother i' disgrace; But if tha buys sich things as thease Aw'm feared it will be th' case!

  13. Tell thi mother aw'm net gooin to be just a slave To a taistrel like thee!

  14. Did yo spose it wor gooin to be warm, yo little silly?

  15. Wal, yo needn't; I'm gooin to have my tea.

  16. An I'm gooin if I don't hear of onything.

  17. Aw dooant know what papers are gooin into, for ther isn't a bit o' news in em.

  18. But awm net gooin to waste mi time tawkin to thee for tha arn't worth it.

  19. Aw dooant know unless tha'rt gooin to find fault abaat mi piece, an awm sewer aw've done mi best wi it, but yond warp's rotten.

  20. Sammywell whispered to her to be as sharp as shoo could, an stood watchin what wor gooin on.

  21. If tha'rt gooin to start callin me names aw willn't have a drop!

  22. Dick explained 'at they wor gooin to see th' other Parks, but he wodn't ha' noa refusal.

  23. Billy, tha caars up here wol tha knows nowt abaat what's gooin on ith' world.

  24. If aw thowt gooin to Payris ud cure me an' mak' me like other fowk awd goa befoor aw went to bed!

  25. It's thy way but it is'nt mine, but as time's gooin on lets goa into th' place whear all theas wonderful things are to be seen.

  26. Wol aw wor takken up wi watchin'em Billy wor tryin to mak aght what wor gooin on o' th' other side.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gooin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.