On the south side of the island likewise we found a small run of good water.
Towards night the wind died away and we had some heavy showers of rain of which we profited by saving a ton of good water.
Here we encamped early, after a stage of ten miles, and were enabled to procure abundance of good water, at a depth of about four feet below the surface.
Here we procured abundance of good water by digging through the limestone crust, near the surface.
The quality of the water at the well, was now beginning to affect the health of the whole party; and on the 19th and 20th I put into execution my resolution of removing to Fowler's Bay, where we again enjoyed the luxury of good water.
Others claim they were made to point the weary Indian to good water--a theory which may also apply to a number of the cairns occasionally seen piled on the tops of high hills.
Two large and deep wells, cased with stone, afford here a copious supply of good water.
To Kalat el Wodjeh, where there is good water: they halt this night, and next evening proceed 23.
Good water is found on the side of the mountains, but not in the plain itself.
Could not have finer weather for travelling; abundance of feed, though on anything like high ground it has shed its seed and is now dry; plenty of good water as yet and fair feed round it generally.
It was quite a treat, abundance of good water, and any quantity of grass of various kinds, and plenty of clover.
Good water may be obtained at a little sandy spot beyond the rocks forming the northern point of the bay.
At Poahat, on the west coast, good water is to be obtained from a stream at the back of the village.
There is no good water here, and to fill our tanks we dug holes just above high-water mark; the liquid that filtered in was slightly brackish, and gave a heavy deposit of earthy matter.
The well from which we filled our tanks was situated near the agent's house: no good water was to be obtained elsewhere in the bay.
The soil is all productive and the streams affordgood water powers.
Cedar lake, in the northeast part, furnishes at its outlet a good water power.
At South Stillwater village a considerable stream, known as Spring creek, flows from some large springs and forms a good water power in its descent to the lake.
Another day of pretty hard travel over sandy plains and rocky hills brought us to the foot of the mountain where we had plenty of good water and an abundance of fuel.
Of course we had plenty of good water, and food, such as it was.
Good water is supplied by wells and streams, in sufficient quantities to irrigate the fields of ghaseb, wheat, and barley.
Wheat, and ghaseb, and other grain are grown in the valley, where there is abundance of good water.
Good water is supplied by wells; but all the palm vegetation is stunted.
As best I could, I laid before these gentlemen, the importance ofgood water to that section and what the benefit would be to the town of Albany and to the railroads.
But it was a great satisfaction to me, to know that I was instrumental in procuring the blessing of good water for a great section of my native State, and to know this has been recognized and praised by many.
At twenty minutes after eight, the teams started again and after traveling about two miles came to a very pretty stream of good water, (Wood River) about ten feet wide on an average, but at the fording place about a rod wide.
After the camp was formed, it being half a mile to water, the brethren dug two wells, and about four feet deep found plenty of good water.
After traveling two miles we passed another spring ofgood water at the foot of a high hill a little to the right of the road.
We are some distance from water but several wells were soon dug and good water obtained at about four feet deep.
It has a good water-supply system which is owned by the city.
Hanoi resembles a European city in the possession of wide well-paved streets and promenades, systems of electric light and drainage and a good water-supply.
There are several wells of good water in the neighbourhood of the ruins.
Higher up in the Wady is a well of good water, called Tereibe [Arabic].
Good water, but in small quantities, is found every where on digging to the depth of ten or twelve feet.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good water" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.