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Example sentences for "good account"

  • Peter Martyr, of Anghiera, by Lago Maggiore, was an intimate friend of Columbus, and gives a good account of his voyages, besides mentioning him in sundry epistles.

  • There is a good account of it in Humboldt's Examen critique, tom.

  • They must therefore be concentrated in fleets sufficiently strong to give a good account of the enemy's fleets opposed to them.

  • Should the wind change before Roquefeuil was brought to action and defeated, Norris held that he was strong enough to detach a force to impeach Saxe and Baraille, and at the same time to give a good account of Roquefeuil.

  • Ford, who did give so good account of particulars that I never heard children in my life.

  • In fact, the "field of honor" was not much frequented by Putnam, who preferred the field of battle, where he always gave a good account of himself.

  • The lawyer evidently saw through it at once; but he was sharp enough to turn my 'friend' to good account on his side.

  • After a little consideration he hit on a means of turning the present adverse circumstances to good account.

  • The chance of turning this mischievous morsel of paper to good account, in the capacity of a touchstone, was too tempting to be resisted.

  • If we once overtake the blacks, I have no fear whatever of being able to give a good account of them.

  • I am glad to hear a good account of him," the squire replied.

  • You could not have given me a station I should have liked better; and I hope, ere long, I may be able to give you a good account of the bush rangers.

  • For a good account of Kabul fruits see Masson, ii, 230.

  • For a good account of Khujand see Kostenko i, 346.

  • As the soil and climate of the Highlands are but ill adapted to the cultivation of corn, the people apply themselves chiefly to the breeding and feeding of black cattle, which turn to good account.

  • I did give a good account of matters according to our computation of the expence of the fleete.

  • If they do not give a good account of themselves, 'twill be because Tarleton has marched them leg-stiff to overtake us.

  • Measured by this morning's work, Captain Forney, these irregulars of yours seem well able to give a good account of themselves," I ventured.

  • On the other hand, if you can knock your competitor out of a good account it is often equal to securing half a dozen more.

  • I had never been able to really get the buyer's attention before this time but this led me into a good account.

  • A good account was at stake, and at stake right then.

  • They were giving a good account of themselves, but it was evident that, unless help arrived, they would get the worst of it.

  • The four Frenchmen gave a good account of themselves, and two German soldiers disappeared beneath the water to come to the surface no more.

  • We can give a good account of ourselves in here, should we be attacked," Hal explained.

  • In the meantime the strangers were giving a good account of themselves, and the enemy were falling before their smashing fists.

  • You are sure to be looked upon with suspicion, having been found as you were, and, unless you can give a good account of yourselves, I fear you are in a serious predicament.

  • While for two to approach the town is much better than four, under the circumstances, two are also better than one, for the reason that they can give a good account of themselves should occasion arise.

  • We are expecting an attack in force at almost any minute," explained the young captain; "and we are prepared to give a good account of ourselves.

  • The fixed aim, and the union with a practical man, had opened her faculties, not deficient in themselves, but contracted and nipped by the circumstances which she had not known how to turn to good account.

  • I hope you can give a good account of him in other respects?

  • There was something in their carriage that told their officers that they would give a good account of themselves this day.

  • Each was determined to give a good account of himself should his presence be discovered.

  • They had not been in the battle the previous day, but they had heard full accounts of British success and they were determined to give a good account of themselves when the time came.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good account" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    good and; good appetite; good behaviour; good chap; good cheer; good colour; good company; good condition; good conduct; good folk; good general; good graces; good harvest; good hunter; good income; good international; good investment; good lawyer; good length; good results; good sense; good society; good speech; good unto; good will toward men; good wishes