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Example sentences for "good chap"

  • Give me a couple of cigarettes, there's a good chap, and do we feed at home to-night?

  • Be off, Arthur, there's a good chap, and don't listen to him.

  • I must say it's beastly hard lines on him, and he's such a good chap.

  • It doesn't matter what college a fellow is at if he's a good chap, and there are plenty of good chaps in Cambridge outside Trinity, especially at the Hall.

  • He's a good chap, you'll like to meet him.

  • He's a good chap, and not a bit stand-offish as you might expect, considering he's a B.

  • Archie,' I said solemnly, 'be a good chap and do me a favour.

  • You're a good chap and I'll see you don't suffer.

  • You're a good chap, and I've had the honour to assist in your education .

  • Either a man was a good chap or he was not.

  • If he was not a good chap, no matter what else he was or might be, he didn't count anyway.

  • If he was a good chap, no matter where he may have started from in the race of life, he was fitted by nature to marry his sister.

  • And, Jack, stay to breakfast, won't you, like a good chap?

  • Come on, Joe," he added, "be a good chap.

  • You're a good chap, chum," he said gratefully.

  • Come, let me show it to him, like a good chap.

  • Now go ahead, like a good chap; I'll hold your bonnet.

  • The "good chap" was out of the room before Mr. Montelet could voice the protest which shone so plainly in his eyes.

  • Run down and get it, there's a good chap.

  • Get me some food like a good chap, and then we will have a talk.

  • You can be quite a good chap if you try," he said.

  • I say, don't go and think me a coward, there's a good chap.

  • Oh, you are a good chap, and I'll give you the other shilling as soon as I can.

  • Do shoot one for me, there's a good chap.

  • So don't jaw any more, there's a good chap, but just snooze off right away.

  • And just steady it, like a good chap, while I swarm up.

  • Here, Private Gray, you are a good chap, shove the cord over my head, and take care the enemy don't get my bugle.

  • Ah, you are a good chap," said the boy, pressing his wrist.

  • You're rather a good chap, you know, Mr Holt.

  • You are a good chap to bring us the news, Revell," said Brian.

  • But I should have thought he was a good chap.

  • A good chap,"--that was how Blanche summed him up to herself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good chap" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being willing; good behavior; good bit; good business; good child; good color; good fellows; good figure; good match; good men; good old; good patriot; good policy; good price; good reputation; good spirits; good store; good sweet; good sword; good table; good unto; good woman; good young; mountain house; scientific education; wooden mallet