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Example sentences for "glycosuria"

Lexicographically close words:
glycerol; glyceryl; glycocholic; glycocoll; glycogen; glycyrrhiza; glyph; glyphs; glyptic; gnadige
  1. As a rule, however, persistent glycosuria is diagnostic of diabetes mellitus, of which disease it is the essential symptom.

  2. Persistent glycosuria has been noted in brain injuries involving the floor of the fourth ventricle.

  3. On the other hand, the glycosuria may diminish or may even disappear after amputation.

  4. In some cases the existence of the glycosuria is unsuspected before the onset of the gangrene, and it is only on examining the urine that the cause of the condition is discovered.

  5. The treatment of any nervous disease or glycosuria which may coexist is, of course, indicated.

  6. In many cases of fatal glycosuria the liver is found to be enlarged, or at least congested, and it is found that the disorder can be produced experimentally by agencies which produce an increased circulation through the liver.

  7. He also says that levulose increases glycosuria only about half as much as dextrose, when used occasionally, but with long use it is as bad as dextrose and starch.

  8. This food is of special service in cases of Glycosuria and in the milder forms of Diabetes.

  9. It may be necessary to add more albumin than the patient can actually take before glycosuria indication is reacted.

  10. Once a medium amount of albumin is exceeded, say 70 to 80 grams, the glycosuria increases, no matter what the type of albumin is.

  11. It has even been affirmed that while under this treatment the patient may eat glucose-forming foods without fear of glycosuria supervening.

  12. Lately the powdered seed has been recommended in the treatment of glycosuria or at least it has been stated that its internal use lessens and finally abolishes the glucose from the urine of the patient.

  13. By the term hepatic glycosuria in this connection is meant a temporary glycosuria due to excessive formation of glycogen.

  14. Slow in developing, this temporary glycosuria is also slow in its course.

  15. It may be said that it quiets the irritation of the vaso-motor centre, whence result the glycosuria and other symptoms of diabetes.

  16. Glycosuria is not an uncommon complication in chronic gout, and seriously affects the question of prognosis.

  17. Such a glycosuria must necessarily be temporary and a purely functional disorder.

  18. The puncture p' produces glycosuria; the puncture p, glycosuria with polyuria; and a puncture a little higher up than p, albuminuria.

  19. The diet which a considerable experience has led me to adopt in the treatment of the gouty dyscrasia is very similar to that which glycosuria requires.

  20. On the other hand, the discovery of a glycosuria without these symptoms is, as a rule, accidental.

  21. They may be tried, but the urine should be carefully examined under their use, and if glycosuria occur or be increased they should be promptly omitted.

  22. It is a question how far such degrees of glycosuria as do not produce the usual symptoms of diabetes in an appreciable degree are signs of positive disease.

  23. The foundation of the theory of normal glycosuria was laid by his obtaining the potassium compound of sugar (zuckerkali) from large quantities of urine.

  24. As a consequence of greater quantities being taken, an excessive glycosuria set in.

  25. Of this type, represented by 12 cases in my series, nine had glycosuria and two albuminuria; eight were men; the average age was 58.

  26. Prognosis in gouty heart, including the heart of the man with goutiness, glycosuria and other irregular forms of the disease, is a subject of considerable practical difficulty.

  27. This, at least in respect of gout, glycosuria and corpulence, as we have just seen, must be effected by a thorough reform in every department of personal hygiene.

  28. This may lead to a pathological glycosuria and the production of a true diabetes.

  29. Glycosuria, or the passage of sugar in the urine, may occur simply as alimentary glycosuria; and while this is usually due to an excess of sugar in the diet, the glycosuria itself is predisposed to by neurotic conditions in the patient.

  30. Physiological glycosuria is, however, usually considered to be dangerous, inasmuch as its frequent occurrence may disturb the normal metabolism of sugar, and lead to diabetes.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glycosuria" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.