The little, deep yellow, globular blossoms appear in early spring and sparsely throughout the whole summer.
Mullers of the latter type are not infrequent among prehistoric remains in America, while Dr Schliemann discovered several specimens of the globular form on the reputed site of the city of Troy, and also among the ruins of Mycenae.
The fruits of plums and cherries are globular or oblong, succulent and smooth or nearly so.
On Mazzard stock the tree never reaches full size but on Mahaleb it grows large and regular and is more globular in form.
The glands are commonly given as globular or reniform in shape but there are often intermediate forms the shape of which is hard to classify.
The flower-stem is about eighteen inches high, swollen near the middle, and terminates in a globular umbel of greenish-white flowers.
The flowers are either white or rose-colored, and are produced at the extremity of the stalk in a regular, globular group, or umbel.
On account of its globular form, the crop can be harvested with great facility by the use of a common plough.
Bulb produced much above ground, rather large, and of an irregular, globular form.
With the exception of its moreglobular form, the bulb much resembles the Yellow Onion of this country.
It is somewhat above medium size, and inclined to globular in its form.
The flower-stalk rises to the height of the leaves, and produces, at its extremity, a globular group of purplish, barren flowers.
An old, medium-sized, globular turnip, well suited for cultivation in light soil and on exposed or elevated situations.
It is then formed in globular cakes, and laid in small earthen basins to be further dried.
This is perhaps too wide a definition, as most of the largerglobular forms appear to have been destined for hammer-stones; and pebbles but half an inch in diameter would be almost too light for missiles.
It lay in company with a globular and a barrel-shaped bead in an urn containing burnt bones.
Illustration: Urate of soda in a globular form commonly found in the urine of children.
The glass will melt and assume a complete lens-light or globular form.
A thin disc of wood, having a hole in its centre, is placed over the shoulder of the matrass, to prevent the heat from acting on the globular receiver.
A gloriously-finished globular slightly imbricated cupped bloom with velvety black scarlet cerise shell-shaped petals, whose reflex is solid pure orangey maroon without veining.
If pure, the oil in a few seconds sinks to the bottom, but if it contains camphor oil several minutes elapse before it deposits, and there is time to observe that the particles of oil assume different forms, but not a globular one.
Each head 1-flowered; heads aggregated in a globular head-like cluster (1-2 m.
The corolla of this flower (Aristolochia Clematitis), which is tubular, but terminating upwards in a ligulate limb, is inflated into a globular figure at the base.
The globular part contains the pistil, which consists merely of a germen and stigma, together with the surrounding stamens.
Such a dermoid usually takes the form of a globular cyst, the wall of which consists of skin, and the contents of turbid fluid containing desquamated epithelium, fat droplets, cholestrol crystals, and detached hairs.
The outstanding feature is the existence in the line of an artery of a globular swelling, which pulsates.
Those most suitable for ligation are cases in which the aneurysm is circumscribed and globular (Sheen).
The old Homeric notion of an ocean encompassing the terrestrial world, although mentioned with doubt by Herodotus,[339] continued to survive after the globular form of the earth had come to be generally maintained by ancient geographers.
Sidenote: The idea was suggested by the globularform of the earth;] [Sidenote: and was as old as Aristotle.
As a matter of theory the possibility of such a voyage could not fail to be suggested by the globular form of the earth; and ever since the days of Aristotle that had been generally admitted by men learned in physical science.
It was in the year 1720 that he made a representation to the House of Commons on the subject of "A New Globular Projection," with the thought of eliciting encouragement for the employment of better methods in map construction.
Its globular shape, perfect clearness, and admirable lustre made it altogether a jewel of inestimable value.
The pearl is nothing but a nacreous formation, deposited in a globular form, either adhering to the oyster shell, or buried in the folds of the creature.
These drops, elaborated into honey, gradually fill the crop, distending it and pushing back neighbouring organs until it receives its globular form.
It would appear to be over-large for the tiny bird, until we remember that kinglets are wont to have a numerous progeny in their pensile, globular home.
Still another characteristic of this particularly interesting bird is its unique architectural effects produced with coarse grasses woven into globular form and suspended in the reeds.
Ten cut garnets taken from a bracelet began to run the one into the other in a few seconds, and at last formed into one globular garnet.
The top is open, and the interior keeps constantly working, and heaving up mud in globular forms, like the Bludugs.
From among the rhizoids there may, at about the same time, be found developing small globular organs that have in them a number of tiny cells, each of which has attached many minute threadlike tails.
The female or archegonia are much like those in the ferns, and the antheridia or male are also, as in the ferns, minuteglobular organs in which are the male cells.
The globular organs, with their minute, tailed cells are known as antheridia, and comprise the male reproductive equipment.
One by one these visible tentacles wrapped themselves around a member of the Ertak's crew, each one of the globular creatures bearing one of us.
Swiftly, each of us held above the head-like excrudescence atop the globular body of the thing that held us, we were carried down a widening rocky corridor, towards the source of the yellow light that beat about us.
The first is a species of enarthrosis or ball and socket, the joints terminating in a globular head, perforated indeed for the transmission of muscles, &c.
Amongst those of birds, with which we are most familiar, the sole variations are shades of difference between a globular and oval or ovate figure.
Siberia, forms a dense semi-globular mass of small white flowers from July onwards till autumn, and is very useful for cutting.
Alkekengi from South Europe has long been known in gardens for its bright orange-red globular calyxes.
Each tentacle has a globular tip filled with a multitude of cells, the so-called lasso-cells, each one of which conceals a coiled-up thread.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "globular" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.