Globulin has been reported by Hellmich in an undetermined bacterium, but is certainly not commonly found.
Other forms of protein are globulin and myosin, which form the actual muscle-substance.
The globulin in the body could not remain in solution if there were not always present a small quantity of salt in the blood.
The globulin has a paralysing influence on the heart, the vasomotor centres, the peripheral ends of the splanchnic nerves, as well as on the respiratory centres of both warm and cold-blooded animals.
Lumbar puncture showed a very slight lymphocytosis (5 to 6 cells), practically negativeglobulin reaction, and a low albumin titer.
The lumbar puncture showed no cells, a slight globulin reaction, and an albumin titer within the normal.
Egg-albumin is the chief constituent of the white of egg; this fluid also contains a globulin and a mucoid.
As globulin is an albuminous substance, I was astonished at this result; and my object being to compare the action of the secretion with that of gastric juice, I asked Dr.
We probably see the influence of texture in gelatine and globulin when softened by having been soaked in water acting more quickly than when merely wetted.
Burdon Sanderson to try some of the globulin used by me.
How far globulin would be nutritious to animals is not known.
The secretion of Drosera and gastric juice were both able to dissolve some element or impurity out of the globulin and haematin employed by me.
Sanderson prepared some fresh globulin by Schmidt's method, and of this 0.
This modification may be associated with a conversion into the serum-albumin, or globulin of the blood.
Some of these results are now placed together in the following tables, a study of which reveals some very interesting facts: [123] Globulin and Globuloses.
Again, on diluting a solution and adding a small amount of acetic acid a precipitate is formed which in some respects differs from the remainder of the globulin present.
Thus the ratio of the globulin fraction to the albumin fraction may vary considerably, and again, one or other of the proteins may be quite specific for the animal from which it is derived.