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Example sentences for "glandered"

Lexicographically close words:
glance; glanced; glances; glancing; gland; glanders; glands; glandular; glans; glare
  1. Healthy horses living in the same stable with the glandered animals may escape infection for months.

  2. Some of these products, such as tuberculin and malein, enable the owner to rid his herds of tubercular cows and glandered horses before these diseases have become far enough advanced to be recognized by the visible symptoms alone.

  3. This causes a rise in body temperature and a hot, characteristic swelling at the point of injection in glandered animals.

  4. It is found in the nasal discharge of glandered animals.

  5. Persons attending a glandered animal may contract the disease, often by direct inoculation.

  6. Trasbot, at Alfort, which had contracted the disease by eating glandered meat and died with the lung riddled with nodules.

  7. At the veterinary school at Alfort and at the farm of Lamirault in France several hundred horses which had passed examination as sound had placed among them glandered horses under various conditions.

  8. A pack of wolves in the Philadelphia Zoological Garden died in 10 days after being fed with the meat of a glandered horse.

  9. A litter of kittens lapped the blood from the lungs of a glandered horse on which an autopsy was being made, and in four days almost their entire faces, including the nasal bones, were eaten away by rapid ulceration.

  10. Great caution must be exercised when examining these cases, for the horse may have glanders, while, on the other hand, horses have been condemned as glandered when really there was nothing ailing them but nasal gleet.

  11. Transmission occurs by direct contact of the discharges of a glandered animal with the tissues of a sound one, either on the exterior, when swallowed mixed with feed into the digestive tract, or when dried and inhaled as dust.

  12. The glandered horses and all animals attacked with acute or obstinate farcy should be destroyed and their bodies be burned or deeply buried.

  13. That the virus is not usually carried far on the air in a virulent form is attested by the many instances in which horses have stood for months in the same stable with a glandered animal without becoming infected.

  14. Inoculation of a cat with this fifth culture, started originally from a nasal ulcer of a glandered horse, led to a fatal result in twenty-five days, with suppurating tumor of the left testicle and inguinal glands.

  15. No less imperative should be the perfect disinfection of all stables, harness, and other objects with which glandered animals have come in contact.

  16. Fortunately, the susceptibility of man is slight, but few out of the multitudes handling glandered horses becoming infected.

  17. That it can be thus borne on the air is shown by the experiments of Viborg and Gerlach, who separately collected the particulate elements from the exhalations of glandered horses and successfully inoculated them.

  18. He can cheat any man in England selling him a glandered horse.

  19. I once knew an old horse-dealer who paid sixty pounds for a nokengro (a glandered horse) which had been powdered in this way.

  20. But how would you sell a glandered horse?

  21. By and by I noticed his nostrils, and then found out to my rage that I, a Regimental Sutler, accustomed to drive good nags, was leading a glandered horse in a country where horse flesh was cheap as dirt.

  22. And with the insight I now have, I believe the glandered horse and the little whiffet that yelped and disturbed the General's ideas of a proper Review, will prove to be at the bottom of the whole matter.

  23. I shot about a dozen glandered horses, that being the largest game I had ever killed, and the bodies fell down into the river.

  24. The glandered horses were brought out first, and then the ones with sore backs.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glandered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.