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Example sentences for "general judgment"

  • He teaches the doctrine of a general judgment (2 Pet.

  • Jude indorses the foolish story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the contest between Michael and the Devil, the second advent, a day of general judgment, &c.

  • He believed in a general judgment, and in the millenium, namely, in a temporal kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth, which was to last one thousand years immediately before the general judgment.

  • Renounce the bodily resurrection, and away goes the visible coming of Christ to a general judgment.

  • Here is abundant evidence that there is no interval of a thousand years between the second coming of Christ and the resurrection, general judgment, and end of all things.

  • The perfect joy of the saints, and the utter misery of the wicked, begin only with the resurrection and general judgment.

  • The judgment alluded to is not the final or general judgment, but only that by which the place of the soul is determined in the Intermediate State.

  • But thus it must be if there be any truth in the theory of a general judgment.

  • The great question at the outset is this, Does Scripture teach the doctrine of a general judgment?

  • If then the church be taken out of the nations, it cannot be reckoned among them; and thus we have additional evidence against the theory of a general judgment in Matthew xxv.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "general judgment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    general agent; general average; general causes; general characters; general color; general consent; general debility; general description; general discharge; general engagement; general health; general merchandise; general resemblance; general rules; general secretary; general survey; general tone; general utility; general verdict; generally adequate; generally found; generally made; generally represented; generally speaking; generally understood; weighed anchor