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Example sentences for "gemsbok"

Lexicographically close words:
gemmis; gemmule; gemmules; gemot; gems; gen; genas; genau; gence; gend
  1. Is the gemsbok the only animal we have lost?

  2. Now a huge buffalo would leap into the pit through the slender covering of rushes; now a tall giraffe would go toppling over; an active koodoo or gemsbok would spring over their heads, to fall hopelessly into the same trap.

  3. In the next three seconds Gressex's gemsbok fails suddenly, and, sinking quietly to earth, breathes out its last.

  4. The gemsbok leaps convulsively forward and scours away up wind.

  5. He had succeeded in bagging two gemsbok to the westward of Lopepe, and, after breakfast, was riding out in search of hartebeest.

  6. He was a keen sportsman, and was anxious as he came down-country to secure the heads of the gemsbok and hartebeest, two large desert-loving antelopes, not found in Mashonaland.

  7. The stout pony, now thoroughly excited with the chase, gains rapidly; the gemsbok is pumping its life-blood from mouth and nostrils, and cannot stand up much longer.

  8. But naturalists now apply the name "oryx" to the gemsbok or Cape oryx, (Oryx Capensis).

  9. This argument, combined with a desire to eat gemsbok venison for supper, had its effect.

  10. A gemsbok can soon scour off from a lion, as the latter is at best but a poor runner, and secures his prey by a sudden spring or two, or else not at all.

  11. Hans mentioned several reasons why the gemsbok could not be the "fabled unicorn.

  12. The roast ribs and steaks of the gemsbok venison proved delicious, and the whole party, as already stated, were contented and merry.

  13. The yagers, although they had resigned all hope of dining on the gemsbok venison, nevertheless looked forward to making their supper of it; but if the hyenas were permitted to step in, they would be disappointed.

  14. This, both Congo and Swartboy assured the party, was no uncommon occurrence, and the bodies of the lion and gemsbok are often found upon the plains locked in this fatal embrace!

  15. The first thought of the yagers, then, was a steak of gemsbok venison for dinner.

  16. It was the bull gemsbok which the lion had pulled down, as this was the one that happened to be nearest the hill.

  17. More than once, indeed, a lion and a gemsbok have been found lying dead together, the antelope having thrust his horns deep into the lion's body, and been quite unable to withdraw them.

  18. The gemsbok is of about the same size as the kudu, and is gray in color above and white below.

  19. What the gemsbok feeds upon is rather a mystery, for it is often found in districts where there is no vegetation except a little dry scrub.

  20. The animals most frequently represented were the eland, the hartebeeste, the gemsbok and the baboon.

  21. Most antelopes drink every day, but this is not the case with the gemsbok or the eland, the last of which never drinks, or, if it ever does, the instances are quite exceptional.

  22. Then the tones of the air which Gemsbok so often had played upon the ramkee were slowly wailed out from the strings in a minor key.

  23. The gemsbok manages to live without drinking water, finding a substitute in a large, succulent root which grows in the driest parts of the dunes, and which the animal digs up from deep in the sand with its hoofs.

  24. But the "Old Woman" had no long enjoyment of the luxuries, for two days later, when Gemsbok came in from the veld with his flock, he found that she was dead.

  25. The Gemsbok menage was established in a cleft of the kopje-side about fifty yards behind the store.

  26. The case of poor old Gert Gemsbok had set Max thinking deeply upon these matters, and the conclusions he arrived at were only negative ones.

  27. Max sprang up, meaning to run back to Namies and fetch a drink, but Gemsbok motioned to him to come close.

  28. In a few moments all the men there were on their way to the spot where Gert Gemsbok lay as if enjoying a peace in death such as he had never known when living.

  29. Then the head fell back, and with a low moan of pain Gert Gemsbok drew his last breath--an obscure martyr in the cause of Truth, at whose deserted shrine in the Desert he had worshipped to his own despite.

  30. Up to Friday morning Koos Bester had no opportunity of carrying out his intention of giving Gert Gemsbok a thrashing on the quiet.

  31. He knew the habits of this dog; never since Gemsbok had rescued it had the animal left the side of its master.

  32. Gemsbok handed over to Max the smallest of the six diamonds.

  33. Susannah had been told simply that Gert Gemsbok had met his death through an accident in connection with a horse.

  34. Sometimes he would penetrate deep into the dunes, and return with a load of gemsbok bultong.

  35. It was well known that Nathan had been in Koos' company when Gert Gemsbok had been killed.

  36. Gemsbok expressed himself to Max as being glad that the poor old creature had breathed her last.

  37. Max staggered on along the course which he had seen Gemsbok take that morning with his flock.

  38. A hard spin after a straight-horned gemsbok killed him.

  39. The gemsbok is scarce, and hardly met with save in the barren open stretches of country like the Bakalahari desert; there were more near the colony in my day than further in.

  40. It returned about twelve o'clock that night, carrying the skin of my gemsbok and also a magnificent old blue wildebeest (the brindled gnoo,) which the Hottentots had obtained in an extraordinary manner.

  41. But I longed for an encounter with the noble elephants, and I thought little more of the giraffe than if I had killed a gemsbok or an eland.

  42. As she emerged upon a broad opening, a troop of noble gemsbok stood at gaze at fifty paces, then cantered leisurely away, their long, spear-like horns glinting to the sunlight.

  43. Instead of the graceful gemsbok there came down to the water a huge hippopotamus.

  44. We had left our waggon, and were crouching in most uncomfortable postures behind a mighty cactus on the bank of a river, waiting for the chance of potting a gemsbok that might come to drink.

  45. The unicorn is, no doubt, the gemsbok antelope; for when you look at the animal at a distance, its two horns appear as if they were only one, and the Bushmen have so portrayed the animal in their caves.

  46. The antelope was dead, but the lion still alive; though the horns of the gemsbok had passed through his body.

  47. Long steaks of tender gemsbok he cut and grilled on the wood ashes of the tiny fire, treating in a like manner the juicy udders after he had squeezed out most of the milk.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gemsbok" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animal; antelope; armadillo; bat; elephant; hare; horse; kangaroo; mammal; opossum; pig; rat