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Example sentences for "gasometer"

Lexicographically close words:
gaslight; gaslights; gaslit; gasolene; gasoline; gasometers; gasp; gasped; gasping; gaspingly
  1. Then as more gas comes in to take up this room, the gasometer keeps on rising slowly.

  2. On the other hand, as the people in town draw off the gas to burn, the gasometer would, of course, tend to sink down gradually.

  3. If it should ever freeze, the gasometer might as well be on the ground, for it could not move up and down, or be trusted to keep the gas from leaking out around the edges.

  4. It must also be remembered that houses near the gasometer end of the main will receive their gas at a higher pressure than those at the other end.

  5. The gasometer is a cylindrical box with a domed top, but no bottom, built of riveted steel plates.

  6. The gasometer is made of plates of iron rivetted together.

  7. These mains were connected with a ten-inch main from a heavily-weighed gasometer at the Windsor Street works of the Birmingham Gas Company, which was reserved for the sole use of the illumination.

  8. The gas upon making its exit from the gasometer flows through the pipe, T, to the burners, V.

  9. The quantity of carbide necessary to fill the gasometer is introduced into the basket.

  10. The height of the water in the tank is sufficient to furnish the pressure necessary to allow the gas to enter the gasometer through the pipe, 12.

  11. The total capacity of the gasometer is so calculated that the acetylene produced by a single one of the compartments, F, may be stored up therein upon its exit from the gasometer through the pipe, K.

  12. This gasometer consists of a tank, A, of a movable holder, C, and of a stationary holder, B.

  13. The object of the Dickerson apparatus is to prevent such overproduction and to furnish water or carbide to the gas generator only as long as the gasometer will have been emptied of the desired quantity of gas.

  14. The chamber of shelter likewise contained the gasometer for regulating the supply of gas to the testing apparatus, and the electrical machine for firing the cartridges under test.

  15. The gas as it enters the gasometer passes through a hollow device W, that looks like an inverted T, the lower edge of which is tooth-shaped and extends below the surface of the water.

  16. The gas that is immediately generated passes into the gasometer through the pipe P, and as the bell is raised by the accumulating gas the valve V is closed.

  17. The feed mechanism F is controlled by the gasometer bell G, which is buoyed up by the gas it contains.

  18. The gas as it comes from the retort is subjected to a refining process of washing and scrubbing to remove the undesirable properties when it is stored in a large gasometer for distribution through pipes to its places of use.

  19. It will be noticed that the tank (b) is divided into two compartments, the upper portion containing the water in which the gasometer floats.

  20. They are generally made in two parts, one part containing the generating apparatus and the other acting as gasometer (gas-holder), but some machines are made in which one cell contains both the generator and gasometer.

  21. It may have been the bathing-machines, or the gasometer beyond the railway station, or the flag above the Royal Hotel.

  22. Weymouth with its bathing machines and its gasometer faded away.

  23. Haigh at the pavilion end and Rhodes at the gasometer did exactly as they liked.

  24. Richardson at the pavilion and Lockwood at the gasometer end started the attack, and on the same magnificent wicket dismissed Yorkshire for 78!

  25. Must, when constructed on the gasometer principle, have the dimensions of the tank portion so related to those of the bell that a pressure of at least 11 inches will be necessary before gas can be forced from the holder.

  26. Must, when constructed on the gasometer principle, be so arranged that when the gas-bell is filled to its maximum with gas at normal pressure its lip or lower edge will extend at least 9 inches below the inner water-level.

  27. The gasometer is put in action by the consumption of coal, charcoal, peat, or wood.

  28. While the gas was being taken by the Mexican the gasometer was noticed to rise higher and higher as the patient breathed faster, and not to sink as was usual when the gas had been previously administered.

  29. Every large gasometer must be strengthened interiorly with cross iron rods, to stiffen both its top and bottom.

  30. Should the gasometer be made to work without a counterweight, as we shall presently see, the central cylinder A A, serves as a vertical guide.

  31. Through an opening in the masonry upon which the gasometer apparatus rests, the space C may be entered, in order to make any requisite repairs.

  32. P, pipe for conducting gas from the gasometer to pump.

  33. If the gasometer has a smaller capacity, it must be supplied from a greater number of retorts during the lighting period, which is not advantageous, as the first heating of the supernumerary retorts is wasteful of fuel.

  34. E, wood tub, filled with water, for gasometer to work in.

  35. Or a small intermediate regulating gasometer may be introduced between the great gas-holder, and the main pipe of distribution.

  36. Over b, the gasometer vessel is inverted in a, having a valve also opening outwards at d.

  37. The water in the gasometer need not be renewed; but merely so much of it as evaporates or leaks out, is to be replaced.

  38. For a street boasting the best view, as it runs out its sordid line longer than the rest, is proudly called Gasometer Street.

  39. Well, at all events, it is to Gasometer Street and New Zion that you are respectfully invited, and before you decline the invitation with a shrug, I will tell you this about the gasometer.

  40. Yes, and that French poet passed the gasometer on his way to New Zion.

  41. Why, I wouldn't exchange Gasometer Street for the Isles of Greece!

  42. The gas collected in the bell or in one or more of the receptacles passes into the gasometer and then into the service pipes.

  43. Furthermore, the production of the gas under pressure necessitated the use of a gasometer for its collection before it was supplied to the engine-cylinder.

  44. The trustees of the church had been building a gasometer back of the church, and the night I speak of the building was for the first time to be lighted in the modern way.

  45. Connect up the inlet tube of the Bulloch's jar with the sterile gas filter, and this again with the delivery tube of the gasometer or gas generator.

  46. When the jar covers the orifice of the gas-conducting tube (and not before, as otherwise an explosion might take place) the cock of the gasometer is opened, and the oxygen flows into the hydrogen and is set light to by the sparks.

  47. The vapours formed are driven by a current of air forced from a gasometer or bag through two tubes containing pieces of moist litmus paper, one blue and one red paper in each.

  48. The purified gas passes through the pipe n into the gasometer (gasholder) P, a dome made of iron plate.

  49. Now air is forced through my paraffin carburettor and the vapour resulting is fed to that gasometer in the bows of the boat.

  50. In this case the fuel enters the carburettor, and to start the engines if cold, or when they've been rested for long, one has to fill the gasometer with gas.

  51. He went to the engine-room forthwith, and for the next two hours closely inspected the gasometer and carburettor which supplied his engines.

  52. Before entering the gasometer the gas was purified by passing through four wash bottles containing concentrated sodium hydroxide.

  53. To test the question a gasometer was filled with carbon monoxide made from potassium ferrocyanide and sulphuric acid.

  54. A two-way cock permits the admission of gas into the gasometer and thence into the testing box.

  55. The gasometer consists of two iron cans, the lower one being open at the top and filled with water and the upper one open at the bottom and suspended by a counterweight.

  56. This sucks up the gas stored in the gasometer and the water contained in the reservoir, and forces them into the sphere.

  57. The roof of the inner cylinder presses down heavily upon the gas, pushing it into the large main pipes, which run from the gasometer through the principal streets.

  58. When a stopcock is opened in any house the pressure of the gasometer pushes the gas through, it may be, miles of pipes, and out through the burner, where it may be lighted.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gasometer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.