I give him good-morrow at the first of the day, and he gaineth five ducats; and again at the end of the day, I give him good-even and he gaineth other five ducats.
But they say and say truly, "The Syrian winneth his wish, but gaineth only blame while the Egyptian winneth not his wish and gaineth thanks and praise!
Cairene and men have agreed to declare that the Syrian winneth his wish and gaineth only blame, while the Egyptian winneth not his wish and gaineth thanks and praise.
And a true and steadfast cause, a large and godly innocence is a thing that gaineth men's hearts and voices.
It gaineth me worship, maketh men to fear me and women to be dazzled by my power.
Without doubt, a King who is after this wise of his lieges is beloved and gaineth of this world eminence and of the next honour and favour with the Creator thereof.
The seeker is, however, in two cases: either he gaineth his fortune or he faileth thereof.
Ill husbandrie loseth, for lack of good fence: Good husbandrie closeth, and gaineth the pence.
I graunt some getteth more that day, Than they can easily beare away, Nowe needes then must they thriue: What gaineth such thinke you by that?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaineth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.