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Example sentences for "frequencies"

Lexicographically close words:
frenzied; frenziedly; frenzies; frenzy; frequence; frequency; frequent; frequentation; frequented; frequenter
  1. Few, if any, transmission systems have recently been installed for frequencies above sixty cycles, and the older plants that worked at higher figures have in most cases been remodelled.

  2. It will be seen that relatively considered the seasonal frequencies of disturbance are more nearly equal in the years of many than in those of few sun-spots.

  3. In many experiments, however, different inductions and frequencies are employed, and the hysteresis-loss is often expressed as ergs per cubic centimetre per cycle and sometimes as horse-power per ton.

  4. In actual practice an orthochromatic mixture of frequencies is used to give a black, gray and white picture.

  5. If the frequencies and potentials are very high gaseous matter should be carefully kept away from the charged surfaces.

  6. Absorption always exists more or less, but generally it is small and of no consequence as long as the frequencies are not very great.

  7. But when we begin to use very high frequencies and potentials, the action of the gas becomes all important, and the degree of exhaustion materially modifies the results.

  8. But with such low frequencies we would have to deal always with something of the nature of an electric current.

  9. But even if all objections of such nature were removed, still, with low frequencies the light conversion itself would be inefficient, as I have before stated.

  10. A most curious feature of alternate currents of high frequencies and potentials is that they enable us to perform many experiments by the use of one wire only.

  11. When high frequencies are used, it is of equal importance to combine a condenser with the primary.

  12. Any eight notes whose frequencies are in the ratio of 9/8, 5/4, etc.

  13. It would pick up only stray radiation--induction frequencies from a drone ship with its drive on.

  14. He made them home on frequencies that wouldn't bounce.

  15. Some thirteen hours ago a satellite-tracking station in the South Pacific reported picking up signals of unknown origin and great strength, using the microwave frequencies also used by artificial satellites now in orbit around Earth.

  16. Thus we are left with the two circular motions in the wave front with frequencies p1 and p2 giving the circularly polarized constituents of the doublet.

  17. Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, have slightly lower dominant frequencies than do those recorded at Turrialba, Costa Rica, and in Panama, whereas those recorded at Turrialba have lower fundamental frequencies than in other samples.

  18. Oaxaca have higher dominant and fundamental frequencies and longer secondary notes than do those in Chiapas.

  19. Frogs of this subspecies recorded in Nicaragua and Honduras have slightly lower dominant frequencies and higher fundamental frequencies than those recorded in Guatemala or Oaxaca.

  20. A dominant band of frequencies cuts across the harmonics of the fundamental, obscuring the harmonic pattern and generally shifting upward in frequency.

  21. The identical pattern and similarity in fundamental and dominant frequencies of the calls of H.

  22. Scatter diagram relating the dominant and fundamental frequencies of the normal primary notes in the Hyla microcephala group.

  23. None of these notes was used in this analysis; only the fundamental frequencies of normal primary notes are compared (Table 5, Fig.

  24. Every summer" George continued, "we get Troposcatter which allows communication on all frequencies from VHF to 10 GHz even.

  25. These frequencies are at present used by the military for communicating with submarines submerged in the oceans of the world.

  26. The majority of such lines do not transmit the higher frequencies adequately, especially the longer ones.

  27. He had replied that the two frequencies behaved in a very different manner, but there was no harm in trying.

  28. Because HF frequencies were being used the power was kept very low to minimize interference to other services during the early tests.

  29. For instance, I refer to the very restricted frequencies we were allocated in the 80-metre band, 3.

  30. The two standard frequencies are 25 and 60 cycles.

  31. What frequencies are used in commercial machines?

  32. The following table will show the relation between the revolutions and frequencies for the numbers of poles just designated.

  33. For what service are these frequencies adapted?

  34. A note produced by a musical instrument consists of a fundamental of a certain frequency, together with a number of overtones of various higher frequencies and much smaller amplitude.

  35. With each maximum and minimum different parts of the basilar membrane are affected, and affected a different number of times per second, according to the frequencies of the partials existing in the compound tone.

  36. When tones of low pitch are produced that do not rapidly die away, as by sounding heavy tuning-forks, not only may the beats be perceived corresponding to the difference between the frequencies of the forks, but also other sets of beats.

  37. But the detectors we employ to detect those frequencies we term 'light' are not similar to those we use for the longer frequencies of radio, even though both are electromagnetic waves.

  38. Ergo, it is the means we use to handle these frequencies that establish the 'linkage' rather than the medium or the wave itself.

  39. He heard some radio music, its tone stripped of high frequencies from its passage through the slit of a partially-opened window.

  40. Arcs, bands and, generally speaking, the more regular and persistent forms, show their greatest frequencies earlier in the night than rays or patches.

  41. The above figures would be almost conclusive if it were not for the conspicuous differences that exist between the mean sun-spot frequencies for different 11-year periods.

  42. The mean sun-spot frequencies in the two periods differ by only 1%, but the auroral frequency in the later period is 45% in excess of that in the earlier.

  43. The association of high auroral and sun-spot frequencies shown in Table V.

  44. The method of counting frequencies was fairly alike, at least in the case of A and B, but in comparing the different stations the data should be regarded as relative rather than absolute.

  45. Wolfer's frequencies with data obtained by other observers for areas of sun-spots, and his figures show unquestionably that the unit in one or other set of data must have varied appreciably from time to time.

  46. Graded shunt resistance responds to all frequencies and opens a discharge path for excessive voltage when the frequencies are high as well as when they are low.

  47. The equivalent needle gap for this arrester is shown by tests to be nearly the same for all frequencies and quantities of discharge; that is, the arrester is equally responsive to all frequencies.

  48. Elementary alternator developing one volt at frequencies of 60 and 25, ~showing the effect of reducing the frequency~.

  49. When working at frequencies below 40, it is advisable to increase the moment of inertia of the armature, and for this purpose a suitable brass disc is used.

  50. These frequencies are already in extensive use and it is recommended to adhere to them as closely as possible.

  51. In alternating circuits the standard frequencies are 25, and 60 cycles.

  52. It is quite accurate for frequencies up to 300 per second.

  53. The frequencies of both machines be the same; 2.

  54. In general, transformers designed for high frequencies and large capacities are more efficient than those designed for low frequencies and small capacities.

  55. This speed is very suitable for use with frequencies of from 40 to 60 periods per second.

  56. There were frequencies of other values, which would be selectively absorbed by this material and that.

  57. It returned four different frequencies with a relative-intensity pattern which said that they'd been reflected by bronze--probably silicon bronze.

  58. An extraordinary complex of information-seeking frequencies and forms sprang into being and leaped across emptiness.

  59. It operates on a band of frequencies lying between the longest light and heat waves and the shortest radio waves.

  60. Therefore the laboratory and all its neighborhood will be flooded with dangerous frequencies from the sun we are to visit, as well as with those from our own generators.

  61. One cannot work well with invisible tools, hence I have imposed a colored light frequency upon the invisible frequencies of the forces.

  62. Ray six, "the softener," was a band of frequencies extending from violet far up into the ultra-violet.

  63. Ray two-seven was operated in a range of frequencies far below the visible red.

  64. At the right of the battery 1 there is shown the calling plug with its associated party-line ringing keys adapted to impress the several frequencies on the subscribers' lines.

  65. He laughed, then switched frequencies and started monitoring the military channels.

  66. He clicked over to the frequencies and began scanning.

  67. Ramirez, he figured, would probably be on the military frequencies now, spewing out a barrage of threats about blowing up Andikythera.

  68. That's where the computer is, which handles the output frequencies of the Cyclops and also the trajectory analysis.

  69. He tried a few frequencies and then he got lucky.

  70. But even worse, the military frequencies on the radio were abuzz.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frequencies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.