In this also he and diuers other of his freends continued their times, in great contemplation and praier, and from hence were translated as occasion serued, vnto sundrie ecclesiasticall promotions in the time of Constant.
It might be maruelled at, whie they attempted not the winning of Glocester indeed, considering the freends which they knew they had within it.
And when he was come vp, being admonished by his freends that the king was greatlie with him displeased, he with his brother in law tooke the sanctuarie at Westminster.
And now before you all I commend my soule to almightie God my sauiour and redeemer, my bodie to the wormes of the earth, my kingdome to the prince my sonne: and to you my louing freends my heart, my trust, and my whole confidence.
About Wakefield and the parts there adioining, some companie of his freends came to him, whereby his power was increased; but nothing in such numbers as he looked for.
So that now they of this sect (by the aduise of the preest) sent into England certeine priuie messengers to get freends heere.
So by the common consent of the conspirators, sir Robert Clifford knight, and William Barleie, were sent into Flanders, which discouered to the duches all the secret intents and priuie meanings of the freends and fautors of the new found duke.
Such earnest trauell was made by this earle of Glocester, that manie of his freends which fauoured his cause, now that king Stephan was occupied in the north parts, ioined with him in conspiracie against their souereigne.
But now incouraged with the presence of the lord Henrie, they declared themselues freends to him, and enimies to the king.
Freends are like fiddle-strings; they maunna= 30 =be screwed ower tight.
French hostages, that he permitted them to go ouer to Calis, and there being neere home, to purchase friendship, by oft calling on their freends for their deliuerance.
This duke of Gelderland named Reginald had married the ladie Isabell sister of king Edward, and therefore in fauour of the king his brother in law, trauelled most earnestlie to procure him all the freends within the empire that he could make.
At the last, his freends hauing knowledge where he was, they found means to deliuer him out of the hands of those theeues, and finallie brought him home with procession, and so he was restored to his house againe.
Sir Hugh Trumpington or Turrington (as some copies haue) that was one of his cheefest freends with certeine other were slaine, as they were about to resist against the lord Montacute, and his companie in taking of the said earle.
A' his freends are deid mair than thirty year syne.
Ye wud never misconduct yirsel like that, but some o' yir freends micht, an' a' wud like tae send them a bit message.
Stab him I say and send him to hisfreends in hell.
I have deserv'd a scourge I must confesse, Yet is there pacience of another sort, Then to misdoe the welfare of their King: God graunt my neerest freends may prove no worse.
Edward, the Confessor, with a sword borne naked before him, with trumpets also sounding, and accompanied with a great traine of men of armes, and other of his freends and seruants.
After long fight, and manie of the earls men maimed and hurt, by helpe of his freends he gat a wherrie, and so escaped to London.
Like chance happened to the freends of king Charles, towards the marches of Loraine, where Reigner duke of Bar besieged the towne of Vaudemont perteining to the earle thereof named Anthonie, coosine to the same duke Reigner.
Henrie, freendsto the Parisiens; Enimies to England, enimies to Paris.
To whome as to his freends the duke of Bedford sent the lord Willoughbie, and sir Thomas Kiriell, with a conuenient number of souldiers, which entering into the lands of Laonnois, were incountered with a great power of their enimies.
Freends to the esquier, in whom he had great affiance to be borne out through their assistance, were the lords Latimer and Basset, with others.
It cuts me to the heart, Jeanie, To see you thus give way To trouble ye are forcing on, For a' your freends can say.
What mercie is in him that sleieth his trustie freends as well as his extreame enimies?
Sidenote: The erle sendeth secret word to his mother and other his freends that he meant direct passage to London & their conference.
Edwards daughters, which was the strongest foundation of his building; by reason whereof he iudged that all his freends in England would abandon and shrinke from him.
Which being with that benefit so comforted, and with hope of prosperous successe so incouraged, marched towards Britaine with all diligence, intending there to consult further with his louers & freends of his affaires and enterprises.
Are ye no feared I gang up the street yonder, to the council chaumer, and mak a contract atween you and the black knave wha hugs his freends sae closely aboot the craig?
And without any longer delay by certaine Messengers which were his faythfull, and familier Freends required the King's aduise.
The freends of the bishop of Lincolne found means, that the shiriffe of the shire leuied and tooke the fift part of all his goods, and restored to him againe his lands and possessions.
Wherefore they sent foorth certeine shallops, to espie whether they were freends or enimies, and what their number and order was.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freends" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.