The newes of whose imprisonment was anon bruted through the realme, wherewith the Nobles fretted, and the commons curssed: finallie all men detested such tyrannie in the chancellour.
Hilarie, they met at Louiers, where finallie they were accorded to conclude a peace on these conditions, [Sidenote: The conditions of peace concluded betwixt the two kings.
Finallie remembring himselfe also of the place of his buriall, he commanded that his bodie should be interred at Fonteurard at his fathers feet, [Sidenote: Matth.
Michaell) and there met him both king Lewes, and his two sonnes Henrie and Geffrey, wherefinallie the father and the sonnes were accorded; he promising to receiue them into fauour vpon these conditions.
His fathers death was occasioned (as men iudge) by a fall which he caught at a iournie, for he was sore bruised therewith, and neuer had his health, but finallie fell into a flix and so died.
And finallie about Midlent he returned into England, as after ye shall heare.
And therefore, they reckon no priuilege broken, though they fetch him out; which if yee finallie refuse to deliuer him, I verelie thinke they will.
But finallie the thing that most greeued him, was the losse of that most noble gentleman, his deere sonne prince Edward, in whom was found all parts that might be wished in a worthie gouernour.
They rode to & fro betwixt the French king and his brethren, and the duke of Lancaster: but the duke and the Englishmen kept on their waie, and so finallie keeping forwards about Christmasse came to Burdeaux.
At the last, his freends hauing knowledge where he was, they found means to deliuer him out of the hands of those theeues, and finallie brought him home with procession, and so he was restored to his house againe.
Finallie this Maximianus, or (as the Romane histories say) Maximus, was by the souldiers chosen and proclaimed emperour here in Britaine: although some write that this was doone in Spaine.
Finallie when this Coill had reigned the space of 54 yeares, he departed this life at Yorke, leauing after him a sonne named Lucius, which succéeded in the kingdome.
Finallie comming vnto Lincolne, they assaulted the castell with all maner of engins, and assaied by all waies possible whereby they hoped to aduance their purpose.
Then receiued he againe his old seruants & officers, & finallie sent the archb.
Finallie about the 20 day of December, they yet yeelded the place vnto Lewes, bicause they were no longer able to keepe it; their liues, goods, horsse and armour saued.
Finallie yet once againe, I humblie besech your honour gratefully to accept this booke, and at your Leisure and conuenient time to reade and peruse it.
The Saxons as it were astonied with that present miracle, & the Britains not following their good successe, shortlie after fell at discord amongst themselues, which finallie brought them to vtter decaie, as after shall appeare.
It was thought that he was disquieted with continuall warres and troubles, and finallie brought to his end before the naturall course of his time, for a punishment of his wicked consent giuen to the [Sidenote: Wil.
Occa and Osca escaping also out of prison assembled eftsoones a power of Saxons, and made warre against the Britains, whereof Vter hauing aduertisement prepared to resist them, and finallie went himselfe in person [Sidenote: Harding.
Finallie the carcase of William Conqueror was seene not manie yeares since (to wit, 1542.
Finallie how well they are followed by sutors, the great wealth of lawiers without anie trauell of mine can readilie expresse.
I find in like sort mention of a noble citie called Alcluid ouer and beside these afore mentioned, sometime builded by Ebracus of Britaine, as the fame goeth, and finallie destroied by the Danes, about the yeare of Grace 870.
Kirbie, and meeteth withall neere vnto Rippon) and finallie falleth into the Vre, a quarter of a mile beneath Rippon towne, & almost midwaie betweene the North and Huicke bridges.
Caietanus in his common-wealth hath finallie no liking of them, as appeereth in his eight booke of that most excellent treatise.
Amneie on the left hand, which comming from aboue Holie roode Amneie, runneth by Downe Amneie, and finallie into the Isis a little aboue Iseie.
And finallieabout the feast of Christmas they came againe to their ships.
Finallie after that this noble prince king Cnute had [Sidenote: The death of king Cnute.
And thus began the broile in those quarters, whereof in processe of time insued great inconuenience, and finallie the death of the said Arthur, as shall be shewed hereafter.
Finallie it was determined amongst them, that shortlie after Christmasse, they should go to the king, and require of him that they might haue those laws restored, which he had promised to them (as is aforesaid.
Finallie after he had reigned 29 yéeres and an halfe, he departed this life the 28 day of October.
Finallie king Offa (as it were for a meane to appease Gods wrath, which he doubted to be iustlie conceiued towards him for his sinnes [Sidenote: Polydor.
And (as it is reported) she went thrice to Rome, and finallie died, being 130 yéeres of age.
King Edward in reuenge of his daughters death mooued warre against the two brethren, Aulafe and Godfrie, and in battell finallie vanquished them, but was slaine in the same battell himselfe.
Finallie the noble prince king Adelstane departed out of this world, the 26 day of October, after he had reigned the tearme of 16 yeares.
Finallie king Guthrid departed this life in the [Sidenote: 894.
Finallie he was buried in the abbeie of Geruie, distant fiue miles from Wiremouth, an abbeie also in the north parts, not far from Newcastell (as is before remembred.
Also the said earle of Salisburie wan the townes of Monster de Villiers, Ew, Newcastell, and finallie all the places in that quarter, which till that present were not vnder the English obeisance.
But when he saw how their purpose quailed, he withdrew into the citie with great feare to hide himselfe; howbeit he was perceiued, taken, andfinallie executed among others.
Finallie it was thought good, that the queene shuld go ouer to hir brother the French king, to confirme that treatie of peace vpon some reasonable conditions.
Which thing he brought shortlie to conclusion, both to the kings destruction, and the dukes confusion, and to his owne safegard, and finallie to his high promotion.
The earle of Arundell, after he had laine at Marrant fiftéene daies, returned to his ships, and finallie came backe into England, and Perot le Bernois likewise returned to his fortresse.
But finalliethe commons were ouercome, and driuen to seeke their safegard by flight, which was sore hindered by their cariages that stood behind them, ouer the which they were forced to clime and leape so well as they might.
The morrow after she was conueied to Westminster with all the honor that might be deuised, andfinallie there crowned queene vpon sundaie being then the seauenth of Ianuarie.
They laie there showting & crieng seuen daies togither, and were heard of manie, but none came to helpe them, and so finallie they perished.
They fought long, till finallie the knight had bereft the esquier of all his weapons, and at length the esquier was manfullie ouerthrowne by the knight.
Thus they passed by saint Omers, and finallie by Arde returned to Guisnes: and so to Calis at the six weeks end, with great booties of cattell and riches.
Then finallie was the citie of Baion besieged, and with mines and batterie constreined to yeeld it selfe into the Frenchmens hands.
They haue finallie their quarter sessions, wherein they are assisted by the [Sidenote: Gaile deliuerie or great assises.
Finallie the carcase of William Conqueror was séene not manie yeares since (to wit, 1542.
And so continuing the whole tearme of his life, finallie departed out of this world, after he had reigned this second time the space of ten yeares, and was buried at Yorke.
And thus administring iustice to his subiects for the tearme of 19 yeares, he finallie departed this life, and was buried at London, or as [Sidenote: Caius.
But whether by violent hand, or by naturall sicknesse, he finalliedeparted this life, after the consent of most [Sidenote: Caxton.
For the which his inordinate dooings, his nobles conspired against him, andfinallie depriued him of all his honor and kinglie dignitie, after he had reigned about the space of one yeare.
Theomantius ruled the land in good quiet, and paid the tribute to the Romans which Cassibellane had granted, and finallie departed this life after he had reigned 22 yeares, and was buried at London.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "finallie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.