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Example sentences for "fouler"

Lexicographically close words:
foulard; fould; foulds; foule; fouled; foules; foulest; fouling; foull; foully
  1. Of the doctour that desyred to go with a fouler to catche byrdes.

  2. Of the doctour that went with the fouler to catche byrdes.

  3. A statute for his town next made the peer: Of fouler law we neither read nor hear.

  4. Before descending to the fouler depths, let the case of the telephone girls be cited.

  5. In the black and narrow hall behind her we waded through a mess of young life, and essayed an even narrower and fouler stairway.

  6. And if it be fayr, a mans name be eched by moche folkes praysing, and fouler thing that mo folk not praysen?

  7. And what is fouler than 70 folk wrongfully to ben praysed, or by malice of the people giltlesse lacked?

  8. It is no flattery of our nature, to reverence deeply its moral capacities: we only discern in them the more solemn trust, and see in their abuse the fouler shame.

  9. And yet be ye fouler for your longe continuing in sinne and your sinful usage, for which ye be roten in your sinne, as a beest in his dong.

  10. Ne a fouler thral may no man ne womman maken of his body, than for to yeven his body to sinne.

  11. No creature saugh he that bar lyf, Save on the grene he saugh sittinge a wyf; A fouler wight ther may no man devyse.

  12. Gauffridi, thus renewed in Grandier, is about to reappear in yet fouler plight in the Louviers affair.

  13. In that place they stay, and their hell is a kind of Sodom, wherein these spirits, fouler than the sinners yielded into their charge, extract a horrible joy from the tortures they are inflicting.

  14. This was hir song--'the fouler we defye, And al his craft!

  15. It is impossible to produce a fouler exhibition of S.

  16. And yet it remains undeniably true, that 'it is impossible to produce a fouler exhibition of S.

  17. This cometh of foul eating and fouler life.

  18. Gentle king," replied the harper, it were a fouler thing to hear a lie from thy mouth.

  19. There the ladies made an attempt to attire her for the wedding, and she was the fouler for their pains.

  20. Not so; his crime's a fouler one; God made the old man poor!

  21. Fouler blasphemy than this was never uttered.

  22. But though Christianity in our own land have forced sin to veil some of its fouler aspects, vice has not changed its nature.

  23. Yet their offence was even fouler than Balaam's, for to their lust and covetousness they added hypocrisy.

  24. His hairless head was as bare and white As the boughs of a blasted tree; A fouler sight than that leper-man No mortal eye could see.

  25. The people of Rome are fouler than her highways.

  26. Is it nought that the one half of Rome is sunk in a sensuality, a beastly drunkenness and lust, fouler than that of old, which, in Judea, called down the fiery vengeance of the insulted heavens?

  27. Were I to give you a picture of the vices of Rome, it would be too dark and foul a one for your eye to read, but not darker nor fouler than you will suppose it must necessarily be to agree with what I have already said.

  28. A fouler brotherhood than they the lords of Heaven, Rome does not contain.

  29. Therefore O harlot, I gave thee to the accurst one, By night to be defiled, To thy second shame, and a fouler than the first one, That got thee first with child.

  30. The jurymen who went to view the body sickened at the frightful exhalations of this death-trap, and one who had thirty years' experience of London said never had he seen a fouler den.

  31. This time, as the job is more foul, the broom is wielded by fouler hands; among those who seize the handle are the frequenters of jails.

  32. The homely virtues of the old mothers in Israel are mocked, while strumpets fouler than Sycorax are received in society boasting itself select.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fouler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.