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Example sentences for "forgits"

Lexicographically close words:
forgib; forgie; forging; forgings; forgit; forgiue; forgive; forgiven; forgiveness; forgiver
  1. I never forgits how dat cornmeal mush and milk am served in de big pans.

  2. Anyway, dat one day on massa's place all am happy and forgits dey am slaves.

  3. He didn't live long, but I forgits jus' how long.

  4. Then massa marries a rich lady from Mississippi and they has chillun for company to Miss Sara and seem like for a time she forgits me.

  5. De spirit jes' come down out de sky and you forgits all you troubles.

  6. I'll neber forgits de way dem white mens treated him atter he done had his trial.

  7. I forgits his name but he was a tall nigger, married Dennis Coleman's daughter.

  8. I'll never forgits how de niggers worked dere gardens in de moonlight.

  9. I even forgits who was de pappy of some of dese chilluns of mine.

  10. Gentleman is asking if you forgits it's Saturday night, sir?

  11. Beware of dem dat worships debbils; the debbils dat crawl; de debbils what forgits God.

  12. You forgits I ain't on'erstan' book words.

  13. If I forgits I is dark complected, all I has to do is to look in a glass and in dere I sho' don't see no white man.

  14. The turkey iz a sedate person, and seldum forgits herself by gitting onto a frolik.

  15. Men generally, when they whip a mule, sware; the mule remembers the swareing, but forgits the licking.

  16. He forgits all about Clarence, and he lines out for me, a-clawin' the air.

  17. He take off his hat and bow low and say: "Missus, I so happy to be free, that I forgits myself but I not go 'til you say so.

  18. When Miss Jane, daughter of old Marster McNeil, (I forgits his first name) marry, then my new marster was Marster Jim True.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forgits" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.