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Example sentences for "foreshadowings"

Lexicographically close words:
foreseen; foresees; foreshadow; foreshadowed; foreshadowing; foreshadows; foresheet; foreshew; foreshewed; foreshewn
  1. When occasion arises, it should furnish us at least the foreshadowings of the great truths discovered by astronomy and geology, not offering for them the wild fictions of earlier ages, inventions of the infancy of man.

  2. Nor was it science alone that was affected; already might be discerned the foreshadowings of that conviction which many centuries later occasioned the final destruction of polytheism in Rome.

  3. The maestoso which ushers in the Allegro of the last sonata contains foreshadowings which are better felt than explained.

  4. Our readers will, perhaps, be tired of our noticing foreshadowings of Beethoven, yet we must add others here.

  5. Traces of the past, foreshadowings of the future; these are familiar facts in evolution.

  6. This, and indeed other fugues of Kuhnau show strong foreshadowings of Handel and Bach; of this matter, however, more anon.

  7. In writing about Clementi, we were compelled frequently, and at the risk of wearying our readers, to call attention to foreshadowings of both the letter and spirit of Beethoven.

  8. All these were but foreshadowings and glimpses of the two great manifestations of the Son of God on earth, as they are necessitated by His work, His manifestation in humiliation and His manifestation in power and glory.

  9. But there are other foreshadowings of His work.

  10. These foreshadowings and predictions were made in different ways.

  11. Pheaton and Apollo are only other foreshadowings of the creative energies which dwell in the glorious centre of our universe.

  12. His soul, "immersed in rich foreshadowings of the world," has scarcely begun to think consciously in the first period.

  13. That the four Gospels were all figures and myths, that the Epistles were only faint foreshadowings of the real sun of justice that was now at length arisen.

  14. Such persons have the foreshadowings of a doleful death, and of darkness, and the buffetings of fiends and malicious spirits.

  15. The friend who knew most of Eva's own imaginings and foreshadowings was her faithful bearer, Tom.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreshadowings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.