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Example sentences for "fore part"

  • I plow between rows once in fore part of July.

  • While he thinks pasturing not advisable, and that it will not pay, he says he will probably pasture in fore part of seasons with calves, after he has seeded to clover.

  • Cultivates both ways as close to the trees as possible, usually planting to corn until the orchard is about twelve years old; then pastures to calves in fore part of season, mowing off the grass and weeds later.

  • A naked shield or protuberance on the top or fore part of the head of a bird.

  • Defn: A piece of timber placed across the stem, to unite the bows and strengthen the fore part of the ship; a breast hook.

  • A naked shield or protuberance on the top or fore part of the head of a bird.

  • A piece of timber placed across the stem, to unite the bows and strengthen the fore part of the ship; a breast hook.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fore part" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about fifteen; fore long; fore wings; foregone conclusion; foreign commerce; foreign courts; foreign goods; foreign influence; foreign land; foreign lands; foreign merchants; foreign money; foreign nations; foreign parts; foreign port; foreign prince; foreign soil; foreign stamps; foreign state; foreign travel; foreign troops; forest life; good general; make out; party dress; times greater