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Example sentences for "foolhardiness"

Lexicographically close words:
foole; fooled; fooleries; foolery; fooles; foolhardy; fooling; foolis; foolish; foolishe
  1. Indeed, a desire to do valiant and heroic deeds, to rescue imperilled ones from burning buildings or from floods, to perform acts of foolhardiness and daring upon the field of carnage, has often stirred within me here of late.

  2. Meddlesome's share in the escape was not detected, and for a while she had no incentive to the foolhardiness of boasting.

  3. This was done with all the foolhardiness inseparable from a display which the vulgar are only too apt to regard as miraculous.

  4. At the bottom of all he says about his foolhardiness in Dalmatia there lurks a proud self-satisfaction.

  5. You don't want to be seen with me," I protested, grateful and alarmed for his foolhardiness in coming to meet me.

  6. After the coming of the De Meurons, Frances used to expostulate against what she called my foolhardiness in making these evening visits; but their presence made no difference to me.

  7. Foolhardiness and madness, is this courage?

  8. Foolhardiness is seen in all his undertakings.

  9. The Duty of Courage is subordinate to those already discussed: and in drawing the line between the Excellence of Courage and the Fault of Foolhardiness we seem forced to have recourse to considerations of expediency.

  10. Na, na, Pathfinder, foolhardiness is na mair like the bravery o' Wallace or Bruce than Albany on the Hudson is like the old town of Edinbro'.

  11. You're a man of judgment, and have gained too great a name on this frontier for bravery to feel the necessity of foolhardiness to obtain a character.

  12. And this was the fate to which his own foolhardiness had consigned her.

  13. The longshore wiseacres shook their heads when they heard of it, and spoke of the foolhardiness of sailing across Channel in so tiny a vessel.

  14. He came in order to be lost," answered Johnson; "he brought his crew to death, like all those whose foolhardiness leads them here.

  15. The innumerable dangers of this ascent may be readily perceived, as well as the foolhardiness of the attempt.

  16. And to crown all, an aviator had the ineffably bad taste and the culpable foolhardiness to circle round and round within a few dozen yards of our heads.

  17. His foolhardiness will compel us all to be brave.

  18. He now became aware of his foolhardiness and rashness, and that he had not considered or foreseen the dangerous and perhaps dishonorable consequences.

  19. The terror of the situation, the full foolhardiness of my undertaking flashed upon me.

  20. Similarly courage is a mean between foolhardiness and rashness on the side of excess, and cowardice on the side of defect.

  21. This weakness on the part of the king, and foolhardiness on the part of the nobles, led to the fall of Judah.

  22. Now here is where the foolhardiness of the expedition begins to appeal to us.

  23. But what they lacked in knowledge and in indolent conveniences we beg to announce that they made up in foolhardiness which they called bravery.

  24. Essentially a wanderer, the Indian lion avoids heavy forest as a rule, preferring sandy hills covered with thin scrub and grass, and may be tracked and shot on foot in a way that it would be foolhardiness to attempt with a tiger.

  25. It is foolhardiness for a single man to attempt it.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foolhardiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    audacity; balls; bravado; bravura; daring; desperation; enterprise; indiscretion; lunacy; presumption; stupidity; temerity