Manufacturing focuses mainly on the processing of agricultural products.
B, which is not so thick, focuses the rays at a greater distance from the lens; and C, which is a very thin lens, focuses the rays at a considerable distance from the lens.
The core component of the model, caring processes, focuses on ways of knowing the person as caring and of truly being with the person in advanced practice nursing situations.
The authentic presence of the nurse in the following nursing situation focuses on honesty as an expression of self as caring person.
In nursing situations, the nurse focuses on nurturing person as they live and grow in caring.
Nursing as caring focuses on the knowledge needed to understand the fullness of what it means to be human and on the methods to verify this knowledge.
A picture differs from a photograph mainly in its artistic repression of the unsignificant; it exhibits life more truly because it focuses attention on essentials.
But, on the other hand, it is novelistic in the emphasis it casts on individual personality,--the intimacy with which it focuses the interest not so much upon a nation as upon a man.
The situation thus presents us with another instance of the external adjustment of educational values, and focuses attention upon the philosophy of the connection of nature with human affairs.
At the present time the conflict of philosophic theories focusesin discussion of the proper place and function of vocational factors in education.
Objects emit or reflect light and the optical mechanism known as the eye focuses images of the objects upon the retina.
It is well known that the eye focuses different spectral colors at different points.
If possible, choose that occupation which focuses the largest amount of your experience and tastes.
Every hour in which one focuses his mind vigorously upon his studies at home may be as beneficial as the same time spent in college.
Currently, the program focuses on the establishment of the "Just Say No To Drugs" clubs.
A national information and referral service that focuses primarily on preventing drug addiction in children and adolescents.
But for this very reason its aspect differs from that of the drama, since it focuses attention upon the instant and reveals motives, possibilities, and even results.
It focuses attention upon human motives independent of "too much story" or literary digression.
It is not a dialogue, but only one end of a conversation, and for this reason it more intensely and definitely focuses attention.
The description focuses on this between and preserves the complex mobile flow of the river of nursing to make apparent that superficial precise portrayals are only an overlay of its river bed, course, and eventual destinations.
The more one focuses on nursing as it is lived, on the intersubjective transaction as it is experienced in the everyday world, the more questions arise about it as art and science.
While the National Strategy for Homeland Security focuses on preventing terrorist attacks within the United States, the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism focuses on identifying and defusing threats before they reach our borders.
First, itfocuses on the responsibilities of all states to fulfill their obligations to combat terrorism both within their borders and internationally.
The most important form of attention, however, is that in which the mind focuses itself upon an idea, not as a result of outside stimulation, but with some further purpose in view.
Attention is met in its simplest form when the mind spontaneously focuses itself upon any strong stimulus received through the senses, as a flashing light, a loud crash, a bitter taste, or a violent pressure.
Here the suggestion of the companion focuses attention upon the colour, this being accompanied with a lessening of the resistance between the centres involved in interpreting the colour sensations.
Attention proper, on the other hand, may be described as a state in which the mind focuses itself upon some particular impression, and thus makes it stand out more clearly in consciousness as a definite experience.
A reality therapist focuses on the present, specifically on attempts patients may now be making to become more successful from their own points of view.
Psychosomatic medicine focuses on the second of these; our focus here is on the first: physical origins of emotional disturbance.
Existential therapy often shows its psychoanalytic origins: as in analysis, existential psychotherapy focuses largely on anxiety and the suppressed issues that anxiety veils.
Marriage and family therapy focuses on present interactions between husband and wife or among family members.
If Freudian psychoanalysis looks to the past for insight, logotherapy focuses instead on the future, on a person's life task.
Art releases energy and focuses and tranquilizes it.
And the exaggeration of production due to its isolation from ignored consumption so hypnotizes attention that even would-be reformers, like Marxian socialists, assert that the entire social problemfocuses at the point of production.
Politics, even when it acknowledges globality, focuses on national definitions.
Still, I would suggest more than caution, because memetics focuses on the quantitative analysis of cultural dynamics, while semiotics, which represents the underlying conception, is concerned primarily with qualitative aspects.
All this longing for fertility, for food and children, focuses round the holy Bull, whose holiness is his strength and fruitfulness.
It is these times that become the central points, the focuses of his interest, and the dates of his religious festivals.
Courts, as the focuses of social artifice and ceremonial restraint, were for him the peculiar breeding-places of such tragedies, and in several of the most incisive of the Lyrics and Romances he appears as the champion of the love they menace.
The supply of other focuses may, at first glance, seem a highly difficult job.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "focuses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.