As he flew, the flurriesof snow gathered into a squall of whirling flakes, almost obscuring the waste of marsh-land that rushed past beneath his flight, and shutting him off alone in the upper heights of sky.
Then came a storm, with blinding flurries of snow out of the north, and huge waves piling upon the weakened ice; and the field began to break up.
The air was colder by this time and light flurries of snow kept blinding her eyes as she hurried along.
The afternoon was a dismal one, with occasional flurries of snow; so that when the proper time came for the candle-lighting, the flames would not be ungrateful.
All afternoon the weather continued about the same, with occasional flurries of dry, powdery snow, but at nightfall it began to snow in earnest.
At eleven o'clock we anchored before Ship Cove; the strong flurries from off the land not permitting us to get in.
All the forenoon of the 10th, we had strong gales from the west, attended with heavy showers of rain, and blowing in such flurries over high land, as made it unsafe for us to get under sail.
Luckily the chap kept his nerve, and between snow flurries they could see him working hard trying to get the wheels on again.
The wind had blown steadily from the north, carrying with it frequent flurries of snow.
The fitful snow flurries of the forenoon settled into a steady fall of wind-driven flakes that cut the air in long horizontal slants and lay an ever-thickening white blanket upon the frozen surface of the ground.
Up to then there had been nothing but a few flurries that did scarcely more than whiten the ground.
Little flurries of stinging snow whirled through the air, and the wind shrieked across the marshland where the bear was still hunting for food.
Minute after minute the sand came sweeping down in red fury, tons upon tons of it, in great circular waves from high overhead and in jet velocity flurries close to the ground.
Even the sound of the breeze rustling the garments of the colonists, stirring little flurries of sand along the main street, seemed to become muted.
Flurries and dangers were bound to come, but not so grave as the ones they had already weathered.
One of those flurries might come along, and he had to be on the spot to meet it.
In defining the trend, shifts, cross-currents, and flurries are not considered.
At other times, however, we note flurries and eddies and counter-currents in this movement.
The following winter was long and cold, with flurries of snow, and rattling of sleet, and it proved monotonously dull to the two women shut in the small house.
Harvesting was not complete yet, and soon flurries of snow began to drive across the fields and threaten the approach of winter.
They did not however shift their birth that day; and during the night, strong flurries of wind from the hills, joined with the sharpness of the rocks at the bottom, cut their cable in two, and they were obliged to set sail.
Their fastenings, however, did not hold the ship against the strong flurries that blew from the land, and she was twice forced to sea; but each time recovered the anchorage without much difficulty.
There had been days of lowering clouds which brought nothing but exasperating little flurries of what Applehead called "spit snow,"--flurries that passed before Luck could get ready for a scene.
But although the new course tended toward chronic peace, there were frequent relapses, here and there, which produced a series of Indian flurries after 1869.
The mining flurries of the early sixties raised a hope that this intervening land might not all be waste.
The first flurries of snow mean bed-time for Bruin.
Around the log was a tangle of fox-tracks, with flurries and ridges and holes in the snow where the fox had rolled and burrowed.
Then came some flurries of snow, which ceased from time to time, and then, with a suddenness that was startling, the storm broke.
It was a dark, lowering afternoon, and, since morning, the promise of more snow had been added to by several flurries of the white flakes.
Flurries of snow obscured everything more than a few hundred yards distant.
The snow haze seemed suddenly to grow thicker and all around the flurries of white blotted out the distant view.
It was mid-December, andflurries of snow were being driven before a stinging north-westerly wind.
But this time, the drifts had faded from beside the highway; nodding flowers showed in the moonlight; the snow flurries were gone.
And they recurred now because for days past I had idly watched scattered flurries of lemon-yellow and of orange butterflies drift past Kartabo.
Light flurries of wet snow bounced off the canopy, leaving thin, fast-drying trails of moisture.
The light snow flurries had turned to a steady fall of thick wet flakes, melting as they hit on the warm pavement but beginning to coat the pitiful flotsam of the accident.
The flurries dropped over them, and the wind swept by in its frantic wandering.
All about them were the snow flurries that their eyes could not penetrate, and it was as if they were two lone contestants on an otherwise uninhabited sphere who had come to grips at last.
For an instant she gazed at him in speechless horror; and already the flurries had almost obscured his gray figure.
The snow seemed to come from all directions in great clouds and flurries and streamers, and time after time it wholly hid the contestants from Bruce's eyes.
They were strange figures in the snowflurries as they went to work to roll the blankets into a compact bundle.
XXXIV The flurriesalmost immediately obscured the Killer's form, and Bruce turned his attention back to Linda.
She saw him walk slowly across the snow, head lowered, a huge gray ghost in the snow flurries not one hundred feet distant.
Then he broke into a run and sped through the flurriestoward his dead.
Dim through the flurries they made out the outline of the bear.
There were snow flurries after I arrived, but the first Sunday of November was as bright and warm as June, and the atmosphere had resumed its exquisite purity.
The wild flowers are gorgeous and innumerable, though their beauty, which culminates in July and August, was over before I arrived, and the recent snow flurries have finished them.
To-day we had a great storm with flurries of fine snow; and when the clouds rolled up at noon, the Snowy Range and all the higher mountains were pure white.
Snow flurries blotted out all view; the wind swung from the true west to the north, and held in its grip the icy cold of winter.
The sky overhead was pale; light flurries of ice particles dropped down to the deck, while the Northern aurora played and shot streamers up to the zenith.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flurries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.