There he arriving around about doth flie, From bed to bed, from one to other border; And takes survey, with curious busie eye, Of every flowre and herbe there set in order.
This garden has a world of pleasures in't, What flowre is this?
When she saw no help might him restore Him to a dainty flowre she did transmew.
And your bud if he take will flowre and beare fruit that yeere: as some grafts & sets also, being set for bloomes.
Vnfold at length, vnfold fair flowre And vse the season of Loue's showre!
If Flora's darlings now awake from sleepe, And out of their greene mantletts dare to peepe O tell me then, what rude outragious blast Forc't this prime flowre of youth to make such hast?
For lusty Spring now in his timely howre Is ready to come forth, him to receive; And warns the Earth with divers colord flowre To decke hir selfe, and her faire mantle weave.
O that so faire a flowre so soon should fade, And through untimely tempest fall away!
Nym flowre and eyryn and grynd peper and safroun and mak therto a batour and par aplyn and kyt hem to brode penys [2] and kest hem theryn and fry hem in the batour wyth fresch grees and serve it forthe.
Of these graines, besides bread, the inhabitants make victuall, either by parching them, or seething them whole vntill they be broken: or boiling the flowre with water into a pap.
There was found in the towne a storehouse full of the flowre of parched Maiz; and some Maiz, which was distributed by allowance.
April, we read "Flower delice, that which they use to misterme Flowre deluce being in the Latine called Flos delitiarum.
Then let thy Loue be yonger then thy selfe, Or thy affection cannot hold the bent: For women are as Roses, whose faire flowre Being once displaid, doth fall that verie howre Vio.
Though all at once, cannot See what I do deliuer out to each, Yet I can make my Awdit vp, that all From me do backe receiue the Flowre of all, And leaue me but the Bran.
The untoucht flowre may grow and dye Safe from my fancies injurie.
But winter comes and makes each flowre Shrinke from the pillow where it growes, Or an intruding cold hath powre To scorne the perfume of the Rose.
But one Rose: If well inspird, this Battaile shal confound Both these brave Knights, and I, a virgin flowre Must grow alone unpluck'd.
In gentle Ladies breste, and bounteous race Of woman kind, it fayrest Flowre doth spyre, And beareth fruit of honour and all chast desyre.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flowre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.