At this inordinate flouting the patience of the new knight, growing more and more angry at each word, came quickly to the breaking point; for his nerves were jarred and jangled by the excitement of the day.
Taffy is struggling with some part of his dress that declines to fall into a right position, and Lilian is flouting him merrily for the evident inexperience he betrays.
She will be angry, and will visit you with storms and drooping flowers, if you persist in flouting her.
Hence a habit offlouting and raillery has somewhat usurped the outside of their characters, insomuch as to keep their better qualities rather in the background, and even to obstruct seriously the outcome of what is best in them.
Furthermore, that such a flouting of England's goodwill would not be to the future advantage of any such transgressors.
Aroused by the French alliance and the flouting of its offers of conciliation, the English Government now set about to wage war in earnest.
A Warlike Chapter, Culminating in theFlouting of the Minister by the Woman VI.
Even now their polished columns and pilasters lie o'erthrown and broken, o'ergrown with acanthus and myrtle, but sparkling still, and flouting the slovenly art of modern workmen.
To pass these unprotected fruit trees, drooping under their burden of ripe fruit, strikes the Anglo-Saxon mind as a wicked waste of opportunity, a flouting of the blessed gifts of Providence.
Night after night she had sat by his couch, her hand crushed in his desperate grasp, floutingthe terror that stalked before his delirious gaze!
When we had made an end of prayer, the same man fell again to flouting and reviling me and persisted in his churlishness, whilst I held my peace.
And anything more different in spirit from the genuine primitive than the irreverent anarchy and flouting of all refinement in the work of some of these new primitives, it would be difficult to imagine.
He did not shrink from flouting a national idol, by freely finding fault with Corneille; and he lightly undertook the task of extinguishing a venerable form of Christianity, simply with pricks, innumerably repeated, of his tormenting pen.
He himself warns his readers to be careful how they criticise him; they may be flouting unawares Seneca, Plutarch, or some other, equally redoubtable, of the reverend ancients.
On the other hand lay the comedy of the present and that flouting of one's own arrangements which is the last word of freedom.
How long since he had danced with Jinny, floutingher notion of this sort of thing as life?
And the fact that the thought had presented itself, even for his flouting mockery, indicated that he was mad.
Walter's voice sunk moodily, and he had a flouting gesture as he turned aside.
The Tibetans had been floutingthem for years, and the Chinese wanted to kick them.