Longitudinal section of wheat grain, showing bran, floury part, and germ 86.
By the 9th century, however, the use of separate baptisteries had generally given place to that of fonts.
This was obviously necessary, for a large piscina (basin or tank) in which candidates could be immersed would occupy too much space of the church floor itself.
This consists of husk or bran, more or less comminuted, and with a certain proportion of floury particles adherent.
A wheat berry is covered by several layers of skin, while under these layers is the floury kernel or endosperm.
The endosperm, or floury kernel, coming next to the inner skin, consists of starch granules which are caught as it were in the minute meshes of a net.
The inner skin or branny parts of wheat contain a moisty quality, which is opening and cleansing, while the fine floury parts afford more nourishment.
It was getting too dark to see much; but Jack made out that the little round vegetable was all floury where it was broken.
Mix up some floury potato with a quarter of a pound of butter, a well-beaten-up egg, and three ounces of sugar, some of which has been rubbed on the outside of a lemon.
The respective quantities of floury potatoes and beaten egg must be so regulated that you can roll the mixture into balls without their having any tendency to break.
Take the remains of some floury potatoes, beat up an egg, and mix the potato flour with the egg.
The embryo is the germ of the future plant, and it is usually buried in a great mass of albumen, or floury matter intended for the nourishment of the young plant, till its roots are in a fit state to supply it with nourishment.
The embryo is small, and it is surrounded by a great mass of floury albumen.
When she opened the door she gazed at me with watering eyes, and in perplexity stroked her disordered hair with a floury hand.
The passage is too narrow for two, especially when they have to avoid jostling each other and so making the floury burden fall to the floor.
The harvester enters a cell backwards; she first brushes herself and drops her load of pollen; then, turning round, she empties the honey in her crop upon the floury mass.
With her crop full of honey and the brushes of her legs all floury with pollen, the Bee returns to her village.
Embryo small, on the outside and at the base of the floury albumen.
Embryo minute at the base of the somewhat floury albumen.
Cora, turning round, and making a comic threatening gesture with her floury fingers; 'you ought not to have come till we were fixed.
Put it on the table," she said to the servant girl; her hands just then were too floury to take it, but she looked at it as it lay on the table beside her.
On hearing this, she did not trouble to clean her hands any more, but opened the letter at once, making floury finger-prints upon it.
When quite ripe they are more floury if put in cold water.
Mary gave a starved cry, then dropped on her knees, clutched at the small, rough, floury hand and tried to kiss it.
When ground in the ripe state, it is much less farinaceous and valuable for cooking or feeding stock than the fine, white, floury appearance of the kernel, when cut or broken, would seem to indicate.
When treated in this form, the tubers lose all trace of acidity, and become asfloury as the best descriptions of potatoes.
Ella sprang away, and, turning her back on the newcomers, mopped her face vigorously with her floury apron.
Now, Mara, don't talk so, or I'll put my floury arms right about your neck and spoil this dough with a flood of briny tears.
Granular lime, such as limestone, is handled more satisfactorily than a floury slaked lime.
She folded her bare, floury arms over her breast and fastened her black eyes on the young preacher.
Aunt Janet, who was kneading her bread, turned round and lifted floury hands.
Brunoge; a little batch of potatoes roasted in a fire made in the potato field at digging time: always dry, floury and palatable.
What was the use of working when they had plenty of beautiful floury potatoes for half nothing, with salt or dip, or perhaps a piggin of fine thick milk to crown the luxury.
But before he had word with her Nina Ide came running, floury hands outspread, her face alight above her housewife's tire.