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Example sentences for "flavour"

Lexicographically close words:
flavoring; flavorings; flavorless; flavorous; flavors; flavoured; flavouring; flavourings; flavourless; flavours
  1. The Hebrew died, Struck with overwhelming qualms From the flavour spreading wide Of some fine Virginia hams.

  2. It would not, however, be correct to say that all strong wheats are necessarily less full of flavour than weak wheats.

  3. It is a general opinion, though contested by some authorities, that soft, weak flours contain more flavour than strong, harsh flours.

  4. A high temperature seems to have the effect of quickly drawing out the subtle essences which go to give flavour to the bread, but it is a question whether they are not subsequently rapidly volatilized and partially or wholly lost.

  5. The original objection, that, by the absence of fermentation, those subtle changes which help to produce flavour are lost, is annulled by the use of the wine whey process.

  6. Indian wheats, on the other hand, are not particularly strong, but are liable to give a rather harsh flavour to the bread.

  7. Californian and Australian wheats have occasionally aromatic odours, due to the presence of certain seeds, that will impart an objectionable flavour to the resultant bread.

  8. Owing to the use of soft flours, the flavour should be agreeable, and the loaves ought to keep much longer than bread made by ferment and dough.

  9. Hungarian wheat, for instance, is one of the strongest wheats of the world, but has a characteristic and pleasant flavour of its own.

  10. It has been asserted that the same flour will bake into bread of very different flavour according as the fermentation is carried out slowly or quickly, or as the oven is hot or the reverse.

  11. The Dauglish process is well suited for producing small goods, such as cakes and scones, where flavour can be artificially imparted by means of currants, flavouring essences, &c.

  12. While the essential character of particular wheats will account for a good deal of the flavour that may be detected in the bread made from them, the baking process must also be responsible to some extent for flavour.

  13. The flavour of the flesh, the fineness of the wool, the quantity of the suet, and even the size of the sheep, differ greatly in different countries.

  14. I have been several times at these dog-feasts, and I own that at first they excited in me a degree of horror, but after tasting them twice, I found the flavour to be good, and not unlike pork.

  15. Oysters of excellent flavour are found in the sheltered waters of Chiloe.

  16. But," said Fanny with just a flavour of contempt, "I wanted to know.

  17. Did one require, after all, a certain restraint in life, a cultured abstinence before one could really appreciate the finer flavour of the aesthetic taste?

  18. He paused for a moment in order to enjoy the flavour of his epigram; but Gerty was too much in earnest to waste her animated attention upon words.

  19. His flavour and his looks are intolerable--a coarse worthless brute.

  20. In flavour they are not to be distinguished from trout, any more than the pink-fleshed trout are to be distinguished from those with white flesh.

  21. It was far more genteel to become a zenana-lady, since there the flavour of religion disguised the necessity.

  22. In particular, there was a butler in a blue coat and bright buttons, who gave quite a winey flavour to the table beer; he poured it out so superbly.

  23. It was familiar with dried meats and tongues, possessing an extraordinary flavour of rope yarn.

  24. Fergus read them, and remarked he had read better, but the first stanza had a slight flavour of Shelley.

  25. Orders had accordingly been given that their eggs were to be taken wherever they were found, and as they were of a delicate flavour Mrs Fotheringham had them cooked for her private use.

  26. It was of so excellent a flavour that it was the favourite food of wolves and other rapacious animals.

  27. The flavour of Ambrosia its flesh Pervades; and the red nectar, rich and fresh, Which vineyards of fair Burgundy produce Is less delicious than its ruddy juice.

  28. A magical philter had been infused into the atmosphere: the flavour of first love was in every sight and sound.

  29. The Englishman who uses violent bottled sauces to destroy the delicate flavour of a sole or to add taste to toasted cheese rules the roast.

  30. And he did not care how many drinks he took to wash the flavour away.

  31. He was accustomed to the dry and biting flavour of Kenna's speech, and paid no great heed to it.

  32. Vich wanity do you like the flavour on best, sir?

  33. I thought they'd a wery strong flavour o' warm flat-irons.

  34. The result is that here you can procure a good dinner with the best of wines, which being consumed, so to say, on the spot where they have matured, are in perfection both as to flavour and condition.

  35. The flesh of the Ground Parrakeet is considered very excellent; it is more tender than that of a snipe, and in flavour not unlike that of the quail.

  36. A tongue of this description may probably be endowed with some delicacy of taste, enabling these birds to appreciate the flavour of the fruits on which they feed.

  37. Its principal nourishment consists of shrimps, small crabs, sea snails, and little fishes, this food imparting to its flesh a flavour of train oil, so generally observable in most sea birds.

  38. The windows were boarded up from sills to lintels, the air was close and dank with the stale flavour of foul tidal waters.

  39. To his mind a most delectable flavour of discreet scandal inhered in such collections of shabby properties from anonymous homes.

  40. It was this copiousness of historic wealth and poetic association, combined with the flavour of character and the sentiment of monastic repose, that bound Dr.

  41. Add to these experiences a love for the flavour which dates from childhood, and his admiration for this "food of the gods" will be appreciated, even if not sympathized in, by the few who have escaped its spell.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flavour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.