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Example sentences for "firmest"

Lexicographically close words:
firmans; firme; firmed; firmely; firmer; firming; firmiter; firmly; firmness; firmo
  1. In fact Himioben was one of the firmest stays of the Catholic association in Mayence, and a prominent orator at all the general conventions.

  2. And he humbly kissed the consoling words, and a tear of sorrow but also of the firmest trust flowed down his cheek, and he turned his true and weeping eyes to heaven as if he would ask pardon of his Father for his faint-heartedness.

  3. But the firmest defence of Petra was placed in the valor of fifteen hundred Persians, who resisted the assaults of the Romans, whilst, in a softer vein of earth, a mine was secretly perforated.

  4. Deprived of his firmest support, and doubtful of the fidelity of his subjects, the greatness of Chosroes was still conspicuous in its ruins.

  5. The distinction of ranks and persons is the firmest basis of a mixed and limited government.

  6. Of these, the armor of the stoics was found to be of the firmest temper; and it was chiefly worn, both for use and ornament, in the schools of jurisprudence.

  7. Their religion would have rendered them the firmest and most cordial allies of the Portuguese; but the inquisitors soon discerned in the Christians of St. Thomas the unpardonable guilt of heresy and schism.

  8. The emperor returned in triumph; but the firmest and most dexterous policy would have been insufficient to steer him through the tempest, which overwhelmed the person and government of that unhappy youth.

  9. But the natives of the soil have been distinguished in every age by their hardiness of mind and body; and they were converted by a prudent institution into the firmest and most faithful supporters of the Ottoman greatness.

  10. The sight of his blood, and the exquisite pain, appalled the courage of the chief, whose arms and counsels were the firmest rampart of the city.

  11. E'en in the firmest states fundamental laws are dissolving; Property falls away from the hand of the ancient possessor; Friend is parted from friend; and so parts lover from lover.

  12. So unto the late-landed sailor Seem the most solid foundations of firmest earth to be rocking.

  13. A lady, already alluded to, lived in the village, who had known her longer than I, and whose prejudices Margaret had resolutely fought down, until she converted her into the firmest and most efficient of friends.

  14. I find the Englishman to be him of all men who stands firmest in his shoes.

  15. Put me in on the firmest side, So I shall never fall; For we must ride to the Judgment, And it's partly down hill.

  16. Of heaven above the firmest proof We fundamental know, Except for its marauding hand, It had been heaven below.

  17. They must also be bedded solidly, and the residue of the opening must be built up in the firmest manner.

  18. And if the latter formed "covins" or conspiracies for the improvement of wages, they very soon found out that such associations were put down with the firmest hand.

  19. That property is attacked is a reason for binding together all proprietors in the firmest union.

  20. It must, however, be noticed that similar symbols have been found on ancient sculptured stones in Ireland and Scotland.

  21. How often those whose Belief in a Life Hereafter is the firmest have little reason to encourage that belief.

  22. Indeed, I have the firmest belief that existing boys know all we used to know, and possibly more.

  23. The firmest will and the stoutest heart may be combined with the gentlest delicacy.

  24. The abatement of a cipher is scarcely enough to restore his sanity] Deprived of his firmest support, and doubtful of the fidelity of his subjects, the greatness of Chosroes was still conspicuous in its ruins.

  25. The distinction of ranks and persons is the firmest basis of a mixed and limited government.

  26. It is also said that, when submitted to the torture, Aristogiton, with all the craft of revenge, asserted the firmest friends of Hippias to have been his accomplices.

  27. Such are the general outlines of the state and constitution of Sparta--the firmest aristocracy that perhaps ever existed, for it was an aristocracy on the widest base.

  28. It is one of the hardest, firmest and most durable of timbers, and is much used by wagon-makers and millwrights, as well as by the wild Indians, who make bows of the younger growths.

  29. The marshes, which are said by some historians to be in this vicinity, are nowhere to be found: nothing but the firmest and driest table land is to be seen in every direction.

  30. The mutton can only be attacked by teeth of the firmest setting.

  31. He has one of the meekest spirits--accompanied by the firmest decision--which ever marked the human character; and his unconsciousness both of the one and of the other renders his society the more delightful.

  32. Here are the firmest Whigs, surviving, like sparks in the ocean, unquenched and uncooled in the midst of discouragement and disaffection.

  33. Child as she was, she understood the joke, and carried it on like a little queen; and so they soon became the firmest of friends.

  34. The solemn inauguration of Anthemius was followed by the nuptials of his daughter and the patrician Ricimer; a fortunate event, which was considered as the firmest security of the union and happiness of the state.

  35. Behind all were two led horses of much beauty, whose attendant grooms conducted them through the firmest parts of the road.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "firmest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.