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Example sentences for "fertile soil"

  • In the mire of the Roman realm, the seeds of these doctrines were planted in fertile soil.

  • Few European countries possess such a wealth of fertile soil as Hungary, and yet it is burdened with debts and the population is pauperized and is at the mercy of usurers.

  • A warm, dry, fertile soil is needed for first-early Peas.

  • Take for a moment's consideration one of the necessary constituents of a fertile soil, common salt (chloride of sodium).

  • It is bounded on the west by a bold running stream, and on the north by the caravan path, stretching across a ridge of fertile soil over 200 rods wide.

  • It was a region of deep, impenetrable forests, fertile soil, and few villages, for the fierce Bahunga seemed to have terrorized and devastated all the shores.

  • For instance, the interior of a stone can furnish no food for plants; while, if it were finely crushed, it might make a fertile soil.

  • It is a singular fact concerning leaching, that water is able to carry no part of the organic constituents of vegetables more than about thirty-four inches below the surface in a fertile soil.

  • We learned that one necessary condition for growth is a fertile soil, and therefore we will examine the nature of different soils, in order that we may understand the relations between them and plants.

  • The works now in operation will produce, in the course of the year 1874, a further depression of four feet, and recover for agricultural use more than twelve thousand acres of fertile soil.

  • When a forest in such a position is cut, these blocks lose their support, and a single wet season is enough not only to bare the face of a considerable extent of rock, but to cover with earth and stone many acres of fertile soil below.

  • The felling of the tall trees removed the resistance to the lower currents of the westerly winds, and the sands have since buried a great extent of fertile soil.

  • The phytolacca decandria, an almost certain indication of a fertile soil, the diodia tetragonia, a monarda, and several new plants, were collected in an excursion from our encampment.

  • Among the trees on the uplands are the black cherry, the linden, and the honey locust, all affording indications of a fertile soil.

  • The immediate valley of the river had now become little less than two miles in width; and had, in some places, a fertile soil.

  • France, skirted by dangerous rocks of the same name, with a fertile soil and a moist climate.

  • Gulf of Symrna; has a delightful climate, disturbed by earthquakes, fertile soil, and produces fine olive-oil.

  • This island was found to have a fertile soil, where they had always raised the zea maize.

  • A country lacking a fertile soil, may still become a rich mining country, like the county of Cornwall in England, the Hartz Mountains in Germany, and a portion of Missouri, in our own country.

  • Immediately below these falls the river winds about, making a peninsula, which is covered with deciduous trees and a fertile soil.

  • The expression a fertile soil is often used as meaning a soil that is rich in plant food.

  • At last, this bed of the river is covered perfectly with plants, which having retained plenty of fertile soil, although still rooted among the stones, opposes to the river a resistance which its greatest velocity is not able to overcome.

  • The oldest island of the Hawaiian group is Kauai, called the garden island, because it has much the deepest and most fertile soil.

  • But instead of that, this sea is filled and piled up with sedimentary rocks thousands of feet thick, that have given birth on their surfaces to thousands of square miles of as fertile soil as the earth holds.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fertile soil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are you; dooant know; dozen kilometres; early years; elected king; fertile land; fertile plain; fertile soil; fertile valley; full color; geometrical progression; hard water; hydrocyanic acid; infinite distance; local authorities; long narrow; mistake about; personal relations; public measures; rather larger; sensuous intuition; thou good; trout fishing; various countries; wholly thine