He trembled involuntarily, for he felt assured it was imprudence, to give it the mildest term, in her conduct that called for this untimely visit, this strange return to her home.
He became as cold and reserved to her father as Mr. Hamilton had been to him; but his silent yet despairing glances ever turned towards Caroline, were, he felt assured, quite enough to rivet his influence more closely around her.
Be that as it may, I regretted abandoning it, for I felt assured that in doing so our difficulties and trials would commence.
The experiment I was about to make with these animals was one of some risk; but I felt assured, that under good management, they would be of great advantage.
I felt assured that, if I remained, two things must happen.
None could know or comprehend the force of my attachment--my dependence upon the attachment of which I felt assured!
This he did with such adroitness, that, though I felt assured he had restored the wallet to his bosom with its bulk undiminished, yet I am equally certain that no such conclusion could have been reached by any other person.
I felt assured, even while conveying to him the complimentary invitation which I bore, that my hand was commissioned to do the work of death upon his limbs.
I think,†replied the latter, “that Wingenund would never have spoken as he has spoken, were it not that he felt assured of all that he said.
I felt assured that we must abandon all idea of seeing it again.
I observed him with increasing interest, and, singular to relate, the more I gazed on his venerable face, the more strongly I felt assured that I had seen it before.
Though we could both swim, I felt assured that if we were once in the water, there would remain very little chance of our protracting our lives beyond a few hours.
For he saw that Benjamin Bones would prove your most implacable enemy: he knew that old man’s character well--and he felt assured that he would devise and carry into effect some atrocious schemes of vengeance against you.
They evidently perused it with great attention; and I felt assured by their manner that they treated the affair seriously.
He felt assured that, when the crisis arrived, the German monarchs would of themselves see that, both for their own sakes and that of their people, it would be necessary to introduce an entire change in our political system.
I felt assured that I must succeed, and as confident as if success had already been achieved.
He treated me more cordially than ever, and plainly signified that he felt assured of my good-will.
That Smith had burst the latch I felt assured, but by some divine accident my weak hands found the bolt.
That she would utterly decline to speak under any circumstances unless it suited her to do so I felt assured.
I observed him with increasing interest, and singular to relate, the more I gazed on his venerable face, the more strongly I felt assured that I had seen it before.
The theory that I had accidentally knocked my head against the marble statue and broken it was, I felt assured, only one of that fool Britten's brilliant ideas with which he misled his too-confiding patients.
That this was the entrance to Friar's Park I felt assured, but I had no intention of seeking admittance in the usual way.
In fact I felt assured that he was determined at all costs to prevent my visiting Friar's Park.
I felt assured in the first bitterness of feeling, that he would lay my letters before Evelyn, from whom I especially wished, for household peace, to preserve the knowledge of what had passed in my chamber between herself and him.
That it could be no great distance from the city of New York, if not within its limits, I felt assured, from the expedition with which my transit from the ship had been effected.
These, at least, I felt assured no accident should throw into the hands of Bainrothe.
If I found water, I felt assured of the future, and I could not but believe that my exploration would enable me to discover that.
I felt assured of my physical well-being, and the climate, I felt convinced, could not be very severe in the winter months with such delightful weather in this spring month of November.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "felt assured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.