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Example sentences for "feill"

Lexicographically close words:
feigning; feigns; feil; feild; feilds; feined; feint; feinted; feinting; feints
  1. Thai demede about of that feill sodeyne cass, 125 Befor the juge thar he denyit Wallas; And so he mycht, he wist nocht quhar he was.

  2. The Scottis defens so sykkyr was and keyn, 850 Sotheroun stud aw to enter thaim amang; Feill to the ground thai our threw in that thrang.

  3. Feill Inglissmen, that cruell was and keyn, With schot was slayn, for all thar targis strang; Byrstyt helmys, mony to erd thai dang.

  4. Apon the morn in Cumno sone thai socht; To Laynrik syne, and set a tyme off ayr, Mysdoaris feill he gert be punyst thar.

  5. With sper and scheild, for gownnys had thai nayn, 765 Within the dykys thai gert feill Sotheroun grayn.

  6. The worthy Scottis feill Inglissmen thai slew; The laiff for dreid fled to the toun agayn.

  7. Quhen this was done, feill fell on kneis doun, At the byschop askit absolutioun.

  8. Thai thocht to bynd Wallace throu strenthis strang; On fute he gat the feill traytouris amang, Grippyt about, bot no wapyn he fand.

  9. Feill frekis thar thai freris dang to dede, 485 Sum nakit fled, and gat out off that sted, The wattir socht, abaissit out off slepe.

  10. The Ingliss men semblit on Wallace thair, Feill on the feld of frekis fechtand fast; He vnabasyt, and nocht gretlie agast, Vpon the hed ane with the steing hitt he, Till bayn and brayn he gert in pecis fle.

  11. Feill war sone dede, bot nane wyst quha it was; Quham he handlyt he leyt no forthir pass.

  12. This woman than apon him loud can call; “O fers Wallace, feill tempest is befall.

  13. Feill horssyt men fled fast, and durst nocht byd; Raboytit ewill, on to thar king thai rid.

  14. And feill sis confort scho the Kyng Bath with silver and with met, As scho in-to the land mycht get.

  15. Hors com thair fruschand, hed for hed, Swa that feill on the grund fell ded.

  16. And quhen Edward the Bruce so bald, Wist at the King had fouchten swa, With sa feill folk, and he thar-fra, Micht no man se ane wrathar man.

  17. Schir Johne of Bretane thar wes tane, And richt feill of his folk war slane.

  18. The-quhethir he had thar, at that ned, Full feill that war douchty off deid; And barownys that war bauld as bar.

  19. That men mycht se soyne palyheonis Be stentit on syndry fassownys, 300 So feill that thai a toune maid thair Mair than bath toune and castell war.

  20. And quhen thai nakit spulyheit war That war slayne in the battale thar, 460 It wes forsuth a gret ferly Till se sammyn so feill dede ly.

  21. He whose caus we susteane sall lett thame feill the weght of the yock of crewell strangearis, in whose handis thei wisshed us to have bene betrayed.

  22. Je ne le connais ni de près ni de loin = I do not know him at all.

  23. Tant soit peu meilleur = Be it ever so little better; A shade better.

  24. Allace, how feill slauchter now apperis 5 To wrachit Latynys in thir mortal weris!

  25. Thus fyve tymys round intill a rays About the feild can thai fle and chais, And als feill sys went turnyng heir and thar, Lyke as befor the hund wiskis the hair.

  26. With wordis feill as he thus can requer, Ene at last on this wys maid answer: Syk sawys war langer furth of thy mynd.

  27. Kenneth Urquhart (Kennie Rob) in a peat cutting near Croft, not far from the place where the Feill Iudha was formerly held.

  28. On the flat peat moss behind Poolewe, and to the west, a large market was held for generations, known as the Feill Iudha, or "ewe market.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.