And so I feined a cause to depart, and with a merrie countenance and a despitefull heart I tooke my leaue humblie of him (he thinking nothing lesse than that I was displeased) and so returned to Brecknocke to you.
Nann decided that the old woman feined sleep on all occasions to avoid the necessity of talking to them.
And in this feined jest of Lucius Apuleius is comprehended a figure of mans life, ministring most sweet and delectable matter, to such as shall be desirous to reade the same.
And not only that profit ariseth to children by such feined fables, but also the vertues of men are covertly thereby commended, and their vices discommended and abhorred.
For though he set forth the matter to the vttermost in the presence of the Nobles and other estates, yet would they not heare of anie paiment to be made, as those that smelled out the feined fetch and forged tale of the kings need.
For he would for feined or for verie small & light causes disherit his natiue subiects, and cause them to redéeme their owne possessions for great summes of monie.
Whereby it should appéere, that this supposed marriage betwixt Aruiragus and the daughter of Claudius is but a feined tale.
For he would for feined or for verie small & light causes disherit his natiue subiects, and cause [Sidenote: Sicknesse vexeth the people.
And for that one of them had feined himselfe to be a priest, hee was sent to Newgate, where he died: the other was driuen out of London with shame enough.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.