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Example sentences for "fearlessness"

Lexicographically close words:
fearfully; fearfulness; fearing; fearless; fearlessly; fears; fearsome; feart; feasibility; feasible
  1. We reverence her calm fearlessness and forceful energies, her genius for overcoming obstacles, her common sense, her largeness of mind and purpose, and we rejoice in the splendour of her achievements.

  2. After her return to Edinburgh she started a scheme and brought it to fruition with that fearlessness and ability which at a later period came to be expected from her, both by her friends and by the public.

  3. It was an admirable exhibition of fearlessness and power, and Burt admitted that such a sportsman deserved to live.

  4. With shy steps, and well protected, Amy approached the apiary, near which the old gentleman was sitting in placid fearlessness under the shade of a maple, the honey of whose spring blossoms was already in the hive.

  5. This was a foolhardy action, involving a needless loss of life, but, done as it was in the heat of battle, it showed the fearlessness of the British troops, and no doubt had its effect upon the miscreants in the city.

  6. Part of the fearlessness shown by the Thibetans was undoubtedly due to want of knowledge of the effect of modern firearms, as well as contempt for the smallness of our forces.

  7. I doubt his 'unconcern,' but his fearlessness was often manifested.

  8. It had begun to be whispered abroad that these two lads with their knightly bearing, their refinement of aspect, and their fearlessness in the field, were no common youths sprung from some lowly stock.

  9. For, he had neither the comprehensiveness of Smith, nor the fearlessness of Hume.

  10. On the other hand, the sect of Episcopalians in Scotland are utterly blind to the real grandeur of the man, and unable to discern his intense love of truth, and the noble fearlessness of his nature.

  11. Courage and fearlessness are trained amid dangers; but we have still to consider how fear is to be trained.

  12. But now, as the habit of courage and fearlessness is to be trained amid fears, let us consider whether the opposite quality is not also to be trained among opposites.

  13. This sort of fear or reverence is one of the two chief causes of victory in war, fearlessness of enemies being the other.

  14. We desire to attain fearlessness and confidence without the insolence and boldness which commonly attend them.

  15. This fearlessness of man is a valuable asset to the bird, for it is an important defense against other foes.

  16. But this fearlessness of man gives him still another advantage which his competitors fear to use, it provides him with nesting sites.

  17. With one voice, unanimous, the consulars of Rome cried out for the question, applauding loudly the energy and fearlessness of Cato, and accusing one another of timidity and weakness.

  18. No, she's not," said little Julian, with the frank fearlessness of childhood.

  19. Many stories are told of the red-polls' fearlessness and ready reconciliation to captivity, as well as of their constancy to each other.

  20. The author," she says, "reminds one of the Spanish romancers in the fearlessness with which he takes mud into his hands, and dips his foot in slime.

  21. The aim of these was to educate the youth and the working classes, by promoting fearlessness in thought and temperance in action.

  22. Whether it be a good thing or a bad not to be afraid depends on what the fearlessness is founded upon.

  23. The fearlessness of Agnes was only ignorance: she did not know what it was to be hurt; she had never read a single story of giant, or ogress or wolf; and her mother had never carried out one of her threats of punishment.

  24. But Charles, after all, had no great chance that day to show his fearlessness of mere public opinion.

  25. When they learned what had happened, thinking that the charade was real, they grew even more afraid of the fearlessness of the Tafurs than of our other leaders.

  26. He will have to develop entirely new springs for his thought and action, and it is for this that courage and fearlessness are required.

  27. It is especially a matter of cultivating this courage and this fearlessness in the inmost depths of the mental life.

  28. I like your fearlessness as well as your honesty.

  29. For she has a grasp of things, and the fearlessness of an unbroken colt, and a mind for the big thoughts of life, and you and I have led her forward in her conduct.

  30. He bowed mockingly, but he smiled as though the child's independence and fearlessness had charmed his surliness away.

  31. She hath a great, strange spirit, Gerald, and strange fearlessness of thought.

  32. Womanhood in the strength and confidence of its purity and fearlessness might traverse them alone at any hour of the day or night.

  33. She must learn some of your fearlessness and faith, and make the best of things.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fearlessness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bravery; confidence; courage; daring; fortitude; grit; heroism; nerve; prowess