I compt na thing all thocht Èon fant Troianys 10 Rakkyn thar fatis that thame hydder brocht; All syk vayn ruys I feir as thing of nocht, In cace thai prowd be of the goddis answeris, And thame avant tharof with felloun feris.
Ar thai not stakit at rest, and weil luge 30 In the desirit sond of Tybris bay, Assoverit of the sey, and hes na fray Of me, ne of my malice and fant thocht?
And can accus the Latyn pepill all, Oft fant folkis and sleuthfull dyd thame call; That with thar rerd and bemyng, quhar thai fair, 15 For the deray full heich dynnys the air.
While the men were piled up around the "Crater" Adjutant Fant heard some Alabama soldiers picking out the fine banners within, and he was lucky to get two of them.
From his place on the crossjack-yard, to which Mr. Fant sent him, Goodwin had presently a view of the captain's wife.
Mr. Fant had his share in the fame of the Etna; he was a part of her character.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.