Here he fainted again; for Tricksey-Wee, finding the heart begin to swell a little, had given it the least touch of spider-juice.
But I soon got dreadfully tired and faint, and once I think I fainted quite.
Mrs. Allen caught the word, and with a stifled cry fainted dead away, and was borne to her apartment in an unconscious state.
But Edith was anything but ethereal, and long before he could have passed the mile and a half, he would have fainted under the burden, even though love nerved his arms.
Unable to stand up any longer, he fainted and fell on the ground.
He wrote in June 1851, "we are all tolerably well, except that I am the victim of occasional nervous attacks; a few days ago I fainted after hearing Radecke play the organ.
I fainted by the way, and sunk into his arms, with only power to cry out--O my Diego!
Charny, advancing; "for since the death of her father she has not left her bed until to-day, and she fainted when she did so.
When landing at Brest, your evil genius made you encounter Beausire on the quay, who recognized you immediately, bronzed and altered as you were, while you almost fainted at the sight of him.
Seating myself in one of its forked branches, and placing my arms in two other similar forks, I was supported from falling, although in a moment after I had ceased my exertions I fainted away.
I told Jim if he fainted to be handy with a pail of water.
Nothing answered, and I made a move to go and grope for her, fouled my broken leg, and fainted again.
The blood came over my hands, I remember, hot as tea; and with that I fainted clean away, and fell with my head on the man’s mouth.
A few months ago I'd havefainted at the thought of doing anything so unconventional as sleeping on a roof.
Mine is from my sister; she tells me that she fainted to-night, but soon recovered and will be home to-morrow.
She had made a speech at Lakeside, Ohio, during which, for the first time in her long experience, she fainted on the platform.
I am sure I should have faintedif such a storm had come on at my marriage.
If poor Netta had fainted on returning to the farm, Freda was obliged to brush away gathering tears as she returned to the Park.
Although the poor monarch had fainted during this interview, he failed to arouse the sympathy of the commissioners.
For a short time it was really a formidable wedging together of people, and if a lady had fainted in the press, she might have run a serious risk before she could have been extricated.
She remembered that Dick once brought home a branch of a tree with some of the same leaves on it, and Elsie screamed and almost fainted then.
I fainted at the first operation I saw, and I have never wanted to see another.
A case has already been referred to where the subject of observation fainted at the sight of any red object.
She was the first, but not the only one, of her sex that fainted as Euthymia disappeared in the smoke of the burning building.
Stranger and far more awkward than this is the case mentioned in an ancient collection, where the subject of the antipathy fainted at the sight of any object of a red color.
One poor manfainted from loss of blood, and had to be carried away, and a little boy of about eight years of age also collapsed.
Stella really thought he had laid it down in very truth when he fell forward on his face with blood pouring from him, and, overcome with grief and horror, she fainted dead away beside him.
A knock might have been heard at the kitchen door; and poor Pauline, come back from church, fainted almost with terror as she opened it and saw before her her haggard hussar.
Ladies wept; mothers clasped their children; some fainted with emotion.
As we know the tired woman had fainted from exhaustion, and for fully ten minutes Henry had all he could do to restore her to consciousness.
When Dave recovered from his forced traveling his first anxiety was for his uncle, who had fainted away from a fresh loss of blood.
You fainted I reckon," answered the young hunter, kindly.
Lochinvar had scarce time to dismount and receive his general in his arms before Dundee fainted and his head fell on Wat's shoulder.
And with that something buzzed drowsily in his ears like a prisoned blue-bottle, and he fainted again.
I should have fainted at the first cry of the peasants,' said Charlotte, Ida's sister.
Theodore was in an agony of terror; the old doctor clasped his hands in consternation, and Kitty almostfainted away.
Where the Virgin is said to have fainted on meeting her Son.
At a truncated column where Jesus fainted under the Cross, and they called on Simon of Cyrene to help him.
She uttered a cry of joy so keen it was painful to hear, and then she laughed and cried and sank into a chair laughing and crying in strong hysterics, that lasted till the poor girl almost fainted from exhaustion.
Well, gents, they had been at me a pretty while one way and another; they put me in the jacket till I fainted away.
Meekly went they forth, to deal death and to suffer it; their backs were bent beneath the weight of their weapons; the shadow of death fell across their path, and all but the strongest fainted by the way.
Fear and dread fell upon me, I trembled in every limb, And like a crumbling wall My heart fainted within me.
I told him in a few words of the horrors which I had endured, andfainted a second time.
At this discourse Candide fainted again; but coming to himself, and having said all that it became him to say, inquired into the cause and effect, as well as into the sufficient reason that had reduced Pangloss to so miserable a plight.
Candide fainted away, and Pangloss fetched him some water from a neighbouring fountain.
Candide fainted at this word; his friend recalled his senses with a little bad vinegar which he found by chance in the stable.
At this the young girl nearly fainted with astonishment; she looked around on all sides to discover whence came this echo so pure and faithful.
One had fainted from having his head cut open; the furious animal attacked the horse, whose lacerated body served as a shield to the unfortunate cavalier.
How could it be true that this girl, who had nearly fainted with fear when I merely put an arm around her, had come in the night within my bedroom, clad, as I plainly saw, in the garments of slumber.
The girl had fainted in my arms and, I was calling wildly upon Heaven to restore her senses, when a servant, up late, woke me by knocking on my door and inquiring if I wished for anything.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fainted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.