The main text is not long, is easily read and is extremely interesting.
It is extremely interesting to note that the animals, in their blind groping for an ideal form of union, have gone through the same stages, and have arrived at exactly the same conclusion.
This is an extremely interesting book, which should be read in association with the foregoing, to which it is a criticism and supplement.
It is an extremely interesting account of some of the curious adaptations of plants and animals to each other, as is indicated sufficiently by the title.
Dream Children is a perfect prose lyric; Some Children's Books of the Past is anextremely interesting essay of the informational class.
In the Library of the British Museum there is an extremely interesting collection of squibs!
Thurnall, and the picture exhibited in one of the Scottish Exhibitions, and as the canvas may out-live the structure, the artist will have preserved what was an extremely interestingfeature of rural life in the last century.
Mr. Stutfield, however, has his serious moments, and his account of the commerce, government and social life of the Moors is extremely interesting.
The whole passage is extremely interesting, and is really one out of many examples we might give of the swift and simple manner in which the common-sense method solves the great problems of art.
His description of the flintification of sand-stone is extremely interesting.
This is not the place where that subject of these particular rocks, which is extremely interesting, is to be examined.
Note 12: This subject is extremely interesting, both to the theory of the earth, and to the science cf the mining art; I will now illustrate that theory, with an authority which I received after giving this dissertation to the Royal Society.
An extremely interesting example is decorated with three medallions, the centre representing a sleeping nymph with Cupids.
An extremely interesting type of mount has a large vignette, usually of two figures, occupying the centre, or the whole field of the fan.
Directing attention to the evident care taken in representing an equal number of branches pointing upwards and downwards I would cite here an extremely interesting representation of a tree in the Borgian Codex.
An extremely interesting variant of this constellation represents a hawk-headed sphinx, next to the triangle (pl.
In this connection it is extremely interesting to find the humming-bird represented in the B.
On this subject little is yet known, but a number of extremely interesting results, the interpretation of which is still doubtful, have been obtained by Euler and his colleagues.
It is not understood why the enzyme passes out of the cell during the process of maceration and the whole method gives rise to a number of extremely interesting problems.
This result is extremely interesting, although it is not impossible that the rate of fermentation of the glyceraldehyde is so slow that any phosphoric ester produced is hydrolysed as rapidly as it is formed.
It is an extremely interesting question as to the practical medical value of the methods of healing practised at Epidauros and its branches.
It is extremely interesting in the light of this knowledge of the true state of affairs to see how legend later explained the coming of Castor and Pollux.
It is extremely interesting to trace this movement in detail, to look behind the outward appearance and see the remarkable changes that were really taking place.
By whom the name Roche Jaune, or its equivalent form Pierre Jaune, was first used, it would be extremely interesting to know; but it is impossible to determine at this late day.
For scientific research, its fossil forests and other features make it an extremely interesting section.
From Bridge Bay at the north-west of the lake, a trip of a mile will take the tourist to an extremely interesting freak of nature in the form of a Natural Bridge over a small tributary of Bridge Creek.
His description of the technique of the use of a catheter and of a stylet with it, and apparently also of a guide for it in difficult cases, is extremely interesting.
As a study in successful publication, that is, in the securing of wide attention to writings within a short time, the career of Constantine and the story of his books would be extremely interesting.
His critical discussion of the three schools is extremely interesting.
It would be extremely interesting to collect more numerous facts on the instincts shown by somnambulists.
Although this has not solved the problem, it is extremely interesting as an instance of the application of the methods now being adopted in modern psychology.
It would be extremely interesting to ascertain the duration of life of bats, mammals which live like birds and have a very scanty intestinal flora.
It is extremely interesting to compare this old scholastic teaching with the modern ideas of the composition of matter and especially the notions which have come to us from researches in physical chemistry in recent years.
It was written, as I have said, almost as long before Solomon as Solomon is before us, so that the character of the moral instructions which it contains is extremely interesting.
His discussion of the position of the Church and of faith to science is extremely interesting, because here once more he faces a modern problem.
Her description of the latter engagement is extremely interesting.
The whole passage is extremely interesting, and the phrase ‘unattached ladies’ is quite delightful, and reminds one of Charles Lamb.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extremely interesting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.