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Example sentences for "extemporizing"

Lexicographically close words:
extempore; extemporise; extemporised; extemporize; extemporized; extend; extende; extended; extendere; extendeth
  1. The last of these gives an attractive picture of the musician extemporizing in the old church at Darmstadt.

  2. When this work is securely grasped the treatment of chords can begin, also extemporizing of melodies with the voice, together with transposition and harmonizing of easy phrases at the piano.

  3. When the first steps in extemporizing on the piano are begun, the transposition advances by leaps and bounds.

  4. We now come to the important stage of extemporizing on the piano.

  5. Extemporizing with the voice may now begin, along the lines suggested in Chapter IX.

  6. After he has been extemporizing upon the musical instrument of his invention.

  7. After he has been extemporizing upon the Musical Instrument of his Invention.

  8. He always demanded, when asked for a specimen of his extemporizing power, that a subject should be given to him.

  9. Abt Vogler, (after he has been Extemporizing upon the Musical Instrument of his Invention), 382.

  10. Corinne as thoroughly infected the spectators with her own sensations as she did while extemporizing poetry, playing on her lyre, or designing an expressive group.

  11. Godeschal, in a low voice, pausing in the middle of a discourse he was extemporizing in an appeal engrossed by the fourth clerk, of which copies were being made by two neophytes from the provinces.

  12. And we hope that my lords on the Bench/," the extemporizing clerk went on.

  13. The object of entrenching under fire is to enable attacking infantry, when their advance is checked by the enemy's fire, to maintain the ground they have won by extemporizing cover where none exists.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extemporizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.