But Jallalo'ddin expounds it of him who stays within the sacred enclosures, in order to complete the ceremonies which (as it should seem) he had not been able to do within the prescribed time.
So Jallalo'ddin expounds the original word Kebla, which properly signifies that place or quarter toward which one prays.
Or, as Jallalo'ddin expounds it, GOD will not wait for their repentance.
John Grant ranks it as a mere form or species of Ellipsis, and expounds it thus: "Syllepsis is when the adjective or verb, joined to different substantives, agrees with the more worthy.
But how can any idiom be violated by a mode of parsing, which merely expounds its true meaning?
In short, he expounds the word to in this relation, just as he does when it stands before the objective case.
In many respects it expounds a late and even degenerate form of Buddhism for it contemplates not only a temple ritual (including the veneration of images and sacred books), but also burning the head or limbs as a religious practice.
This work expounds the doctrine of the Sarvâstivâdins, but in a liberal spirit and without ignoring other views.
There is no dream of his without an interpretation, without a prediction; and if the event answer not his exposition, he expounds it according to the event.
She expounds the priests of Baal, reading ministers, and thinks the salvation of that parish as desperate as the Turk's.
Consider, indeed, these rights as they are proclaimed, along with the commentary of the speaker who expounds them at the club before an audience of heated and daring spirits, or in the street to the rude and fanatical multitude.
The poorest work of Moses Ibn-Ezra is his so-called philosophical treatise, written in Hebrew, wherein he expounds the barren philosophy of the times according to Arabic models.
He expounds his thoughts in the form of a dialogue, and like the author of Job, combines them with an historic fact, thus giving more intense interest to the theme, and conveying a lasting impression.
Menachem, in his lexicographical work, puts the various forms under each root, and often expounds their meanings with surprising clearness and nicety.
One who, or that which, expounds or explains; an expounder; a commentator.
III (9) expounds the reasons entitling us to assume that the soul awakening from sleep is the same that went to sleep.
Yet what he expounds is a deterministic doctrine of predestination which shrinks from no consequences, not even from attributing the Fall directly to God.
He admits this plainly enough where he expounds 1 Timothy ii.
The same work further expounds the doctrine of re-birth as a teaching of Jesus Christ which applies not to particular personages only, like Elias, but as a universal law governing the lives of all mankind.
One who postillates; one who expounds the Scriptures verse by verse.
As will be seen, Fracastoro's conception of beauty approximates both to the Platonic and to the more purely aesthetic doctrines which we have mentioned; and heexpounds and elaborates this aesthetic notion in the following manner.
The chief interest of the Abrege in the present discussion is that it expounds and emphasizes the high notion of the poet's office introduced into French poetry by the Pleiade.
He expounds the Lord's Prayer, and mentions the commemorations for the living and the dead.
Thus Paul expounds it in Romans vi, "We are buried together with Christ by baptism into death; that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life.
Luke 22:20] These words the Apostle also delivers and more fully expounds in i Cor.
In the book on aviation which he wrote shortly before his death in 1909 he expounds his creed and narrates his experiences.
He expoundsthese theories in his letters to Herodotus and Pythocles, which are preserved in Diogenes Laertius.
Chang Yu expounds the saying more satisfactorily: "By applying the art of war, it is possible with a lesser force to defeat a greater, and vice versa.
In this way Augustine expounds when he says (De Trin.
The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of glory," as Dionysius expounds (Coel.
It may also be said that whatever is generated from food, can be dissolved by natural heat, and be cast aside through the pores, as Jerome expounds the passage.
For it is called history, as Augustine expounds (Epis.
In this way Hilary expounds the sense of this text of Scripture (De Synod.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expounds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.