While the whole investing public was scrambling for Metropolitan, the members of the exploiting syndicate found ample opportunity to sell.
They led to the organization of "syndicates" which devoted all their energies, for a quarter of a century, to exploiting city lighting and transportation systems.
At the date when the Barbados men were first brought to the Putumayo, the methods of exploiting the Indian population in the interests of the Colombian or Peruvian settlers were mainly confined to the river banks.
This exploiting minority was headed by land owners, soldiers and priests.
As civilizations have matured they have grown at the nucleus, expanded abroad and experimented more or less successfully with various means of exploiting nature, man and human society.
The speculators insist they must be free from any restrictions that would prevent them from exploiting generations yet unborn who will till the soil and use the water power in their industries.
But there remains a body of men in the South who, not prosperous in other industries, still make the Negro a sort of industry: they live by exploiting Negro prejudice.
Exploiting Negro Prejudice The cause of this dominance of thought by the Negro lies chiefly with a certain group of politicians whose interest it is to maintain their party control and to keep the South solid.
Nepal has considerable scope for accelerating economic growth by exploiting its potential in hydropower and tourism, areas of recent foreign investment interest.
Exploiting vast natural resources and a large labor pool, Brazil became Latin America's leading economic power by the 1970s.
An agreement between Argentina and the UK in 1995 seeks to defuse licensing and sovereignty conflicts that would dampen foreign interest in exploiting potential oil reserves.
Nepal has considerable scope for exploiting its potential in hydropower and tourism, areas of recent foreign investment interest.
Johnny Potter, like other people, was merely exploiting his experiences.
The press exploits for its benefit human silliness and ignorance and vulgarity and sensationalism, and, in exploiting it, feeds it.
Groups were discussing it, contestants were oiling up their machines and exploiting the merits of the others.
After five minutes spent in exploiting every angle of skill he possessed, Andy brought the superb aeroplane down to the ground, graceful as a swan.
And I was getting on so well, was revelling in my new-found confidence, and, knowing its transience, was exploitingit for all I was worth.
It would be humiliating, particularly as I've done so little exploiting from my side.
And he had genius--the real Italian genius for engineering, for dominating and exploiting nature.
However, capital is slowly accumulating, and a healthful tendency toward industrious habits and the employment of reasonable and moderate methods in exploiting the great untouched natural resources of the country is evident.
Immersed in a life of crass material endeavour," small wonder that the American had remained in spiritual poverty of the most debasing sort until the New Dawn should come to enrich him, to topple in ruins an exploiting social system.
Already the exploiting class, as it neared the term of its depleted life, was but a mass of purulence.
He only doubted whether in the long run it would pay the "Novum" itself to acquire a reputation for exploiting what everybody else knew as well as they did, but left severely alone.
From the simple shopkeeper to the big contractor, how skilful they are in exploiting his arms!
We should shape legislation with a view not to the exploiting and abandoning of the territory, but to the building up of homes therein.
Exploiting the Negro problem for political ends is being abandoned and their protection is being increased by those States in which their percentage of population is largest.
To confer independence upon the Filipinos now is, therefore, to subject the great mass of their people to the dominance of an oligarchical and, probably, exploiting minority.
They did nothing more than help you in your suppressive and exploiting policy.
But the public neglect was simply a matter of the control of the exploiting class, who were the effective "public" for foreign affairs.
The genius of one commander, exploiting passive material, could not avail against the accumulated faculty for organisation in the still self-renewing Roman patriciate.
Successful religion, like successful magic, would have passed into the art of exploiting the world.
If success in pleasing the crowd and its leaders did not imply the possession of superior gifts and of a masterly technique in exploiting those gifts, what did it imply?
But if he was exploiting Janet's infatuation for him, he was not doing so consciously.
She never knowingly gave offence to any form of wealth whilst there was hope of exploiting its owner even on the smallest scale.
Tremelli never came, and it was not until 1890, when Mr. Abbey was again in the traces of an Italian opera manager, and was exploitingboth Mme.
The beginning of his career, like that of Maretzek, fell in the period when Barnumism was at its zenith, and Ullmann was utterly unconscionable in the methods to which he resorted for the purpose of exploiting his artists.
It must be enough to say that this cheapness is necessary to the system of exploiting on which modern manufacture rests.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exploiting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.