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Example sentences for "exceptionable"

Lexicographically close words:
except; excepte; excepted; excepting; exception; exceptional; exceptionally; exceptions; exceptis; excepto
  1. They transfer to the cause of piety itself the dislike which was first awakened by exceptionable means to promote it; and other teachers, seeing these evil effects, are deterred from attempting what they might easily have accomplished.

  2. He acknowledged the bill was less exceptionable than when it came from the Senate; but it yet contained the principle which he considered as violating the constitution.

  3. The right of equal suffrage among the States is another exceptionable part of the Confederation.

  4. The Parliament of Great Britain, and the legislatures of the several States, can at any time rectify, by law, the exceptionable decisions of their respective courts.

  5. This might be very easily done by printing the pages anew which contain the exceptionable parts, and, if necessary, substituting reflections or anecdotes, founded in fact, in their places.

  6. Whether we consider the measure itself, the character and talents of the man, or the state whence he comes, this nomination is equally exceptionable and odious.

  7. My answer, pointing out the embarrassment, gave you an opportunity to take a less exceptionable course.

  8. This Passage I look upon to be the most exceptionable in the whole Poem, as being nothing else but a String of Punns, and those too very indifferent ones.

  9. Gaiety in the Matrimonial Life is graceful in one Sex, but exceptionable in the other.

  10. That may be defensible, nay laudable in one Character, which would be in the highest Degree exceptionable in another.

  11. They would insist upon the exceptionable clauses being altered before they would ratify the contract.

  12. You will readily observe, that my objections are not numerous (the greater part of the enclosed paper containing reasonings upon the probable effects of the exceptionable parts), though in my mind some of them are capital ones.

  13. These six lines are perhaps the most exceptionable in the whole poem in point both of sentiment and expression.

  14. The risk of having exceptionable principles incorporated into the Constitution was one that had to be encountered at some time, and there were cogent reasons for meeting it then.

  15. Indeed if there be any, whose apparel would be thought exceptionable by the society, these would be found among the rich.

  16. This letter your Committee have inserted at large in the Fifth Report, having found nothing whatsoever exceptionable in it, although it seems to have excited the warmest resentment in Mr. Hastings.

  17. This measure was, however, far less exceptionable than the former; because an irregular choice of a less competent person, and the preference given to proved delinquency in prejudice to uncensured service, are very different things.

  18. Exceptionable or not, they have not been able to supply its place with one that is more convenient in practice.

  19. This last mode of procedure, inasmuch as it requires us to make a rule for every peculiar construction in the language, appears to me to be the most exceptionable of the three.

  20. If there were one exceptionable page in a book, otherwise valuable, instead of suppressing the page, she suppressed the book.

  21. To my utter astonishment he pointed to the exceptionable passage, 'There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.

  22. His natural good propensities religion would have improved into solid virtues, and would have cured the more exceptionable parts of his character.

  23. However, this, though sufficiently provoking, was far from being the most exceptionable part of his conduct.

  24. Since the revolution, a supreme court of errors iz constituted, but on an exceptionable plan, and the legislature continues to exercize supreme judicial power on petitions.

  25. When this was finished, he showed it to Mr. Garrick, who found it to be still more exceptionable than the tragedy, and of course could not be persuaded to bring it forward on the stage.

  26. The revolution forms a new epoch in the constitution; and was probably attended with consequences more advantageous to the people, than barely freeing them from an exceptionable administration.

  27. So there may be men who are employed in and around State prisons, who see nothing very exceptionable in them.

  28. That there are men who work in and around the institution, and have for years, who see nothing very exceptionable in any of its departments, may be all true.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exceptionable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    eccentric; hideous; impossible; inadmissible; indefensible; intolerable; objectionable; unacceptable; undesirable; unlawful; unsuitable; untenable; unwelcome