By this ye may se, it is foly for a man to say ye or nay to a matter, exceptehe knewe surely what the matter is.
There were two men on a time, the whiche lefte a great somme of money in kepyng with a maiden on this condition, that she shulde nat delyuer hit agayne, excepte they came bothe to gether for hit.
Howbeit one spake merley[68] and sayde: I can not se how this gentylwoman is able to make pastyme and pleasure to vs all thre excepte that she were departed in thre partes.
Nor thou, sayde Denyse, art not lyke to haue a sonne a kynge, excepte thou leaue commyttynge of suche wyckedde dedes.
Excepte the sonne shyne that our clothes may dry, 895 We can do ryght nought in our laundrye.
I fere my self, excepte I may entreat her, I am so farre in love I shall forget her.
What were the surplysage of eche commodyte, Whyche groweth and encreaseth in every lande, 355 Excepte exchaunge by suche men as we be?
To my cousen Henery Barker all my Instruments of yron for Chirurgerie excepte my Lancetts and incision knives.
Guglielmo (hearing his fonde demaunde) aunsweared: “Sir I can shewe you nothing but that which hath beene knowen before, excepte Nesinges or such like.
But the Princesse, who was resolued to lyue a good woman, abhorred all his lasciuious orations, requiring hym to bee better aduysed another tyme, before he presumed to vtter sutche talke, excepte to sutch that were his equals.
I have been perswaded by some, espetialy this bearer, to come and clear things unto you; but as things now stand I cannot be absente one day, excepte I should hazard all ye viage.
As for Mr. Weston, excepte grace doe greatly swaye with him, he will hate us ten times more then ever he loved us, for not confirming ye conditions.
I doe not thinke Mr. Pickering will ingage, excepte in ye course of buying [ships?
Thay bothe bekkyd at vs, excepte my eyes waggyd, and me thoght that the mylke daunsyd.
Tell me, do you beleue that a Adamand stone wold drawe vnto him stele withowt any towchynge therof, and also to be separate frome him ayen of hys owne accorde, excepte that yow had sene it with yowre eyes.
The people which they cary are no men for us, wherfore I pray you entertaine them not, neither exchainge man for man with them, excepte it be some of your worst.
And lastly, your intended course of civill comunitie will minister continuall occasion of offence, & will be as fuell for that fire, excepte you dilligently quench it with brotherly forbearance.
For y^e articles first brought over by John Carver were never seene of any of y^e adventurers hear, excepte M^r.
But yf thou wylt not sende him/ we wyll not goo: for the man sayde vnto vs: loke that ye see not my face/ excepte youre brother be with you.
And excepte the God of my father/ the God of Abraha and the God whome Isaac feareth/ had bene with me: surely thou haddest sent me awaye now all emptie.
Than saydest thou vnto thy servauntes: excepte youre yongest brother come with you/ loke that ye se my face no moare.
And he sayde: I will not lett the goo/ excepte thou blesse me.
Than sayde Iuda vnto him: the man dyd testifie vnto vs saynge: loke that ye see not my face excepte youre brother be with you.
And Ioseph made it a lawe ouer the lade of Egipte vnto this daye: that men must geue Pharao the fyfte parte/ excepte the londe of preastes only/ which was not bond vnto Pharao.
Neverthelesse if oure youngeste brother go with vs then will we goo/ for we maye not see the mannes face/ excepte oure yongest brother be with vs.
And as I dowte not of [the] ensamples that are past/ so am I sure that greate wrath will folow/ excepte repētaunce turne it backe agayne and cease it.
In Mechuacan was not permitted any diuorcemente, excepte the partie made a solemne othe, that they loked not the one on the other stedfastly and directly at the time of their marriage.
While the Lord Mutezuma was at his meate, excepte some Iester, they al serued him barefooted.
I fynde [him] weele disposed in all thynges, excepte for Sir W.
There was no appearance of danger, nor manie that die of the disease, excepte some olde folkes.
God forbyd that, excepte I woulde rather bee a dogge then a man, HEDO.
Excepte the Sequences and the Crede: wherof Nicolas put in the firste, and Damasus the nexte: acordinge to the Sinode of Constantinople.
This, by canonicalle decree, in time paste was not wonte to be giuen (excepte greate necessitie soner required it) but to those that had bene scholers a space afore, to learne the thinges appertinent to Christendome.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "excepte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.