If yu want to learn a child to steal oats in the bundle, make him beg out ov yu evry thing that yu giv him.
When a person finds it necessary to skour the nail heds in the cellar stairs evry day, and skrub oph the ducks' feet in hot water, it iz then that neatness haz bekum the tyrant of its viktim.
I don't hav to shave the cane handle, evry day, before I can walk out with it.
I hav seen him fire into a crowd, and miss evry man.
Evry boddy seems tew be willing to be a phool himself, but he kant bear tew hav ennyboddy else one.
Thare iz only one thing about a possum's skin different from a hoss hide, they don't shed their hair, evry hair is drove in and clinched on tuther side.
Cum together arly, and oftin, buy yure cottin by the pease; be keerful how yu deal out youre shirts, for thare iz evry now and then, a bogus heathin.
I think evry man and woman on earth, ought tew wear on their hat-band theze words, in large letters: "Lead us not into temtashun.
Hot and cold water bubbles and squirts inevry apartment, and nothing is wanting that a poet could pra for, or art could portray.
One Live Man in a village is like a case ov itch in a distrikt skool--he sets evry boddy scratching at onst.
Crabs liv under cover, like the mud turtles, but they move evry fust ov May, into a new one.
Fear makes evry thing and evry body masters over us; it iz the wust slavery thare iz.
The nex best thing iz tew begin moderate; say onse evry nite in the week for the fust six months, increasing the dose as the pasheint seems to require it.
At this junkter thare waz 6 raps on the tabel about az fast and loud az tho there waz playing kards, and sumboddy about being eukered; then awl was still and the kandels waz lit, and evry boddy sot in aw and amazement.
Dollars per year, and a liberal chanse at the contribushun plate, twice evry Sunda.
The weather iz fine, and there iz evry prospeck ov krops; I never see the potaters look finer.
Had a revival, evry fu minnits, it would hav did yu good, tew hear the people holler.
I thank the lord that thare aint menny wimmin in the wurld who want tu know evry thing.
When a feller gits a goin down hil, it dus seem as tho evrything had bin greased for the okashun.
Thare iz no ingenuity in this wa ov skinning a man, it iz like skinning a cat, a little evry day, tew make it hurt less.
Most evry boddy, at sum time in their life, has tried the single state; also, moste evry boddy haz hankered after the double state, or married condishun.
Cum together arly, and oftin, buy yure cottin by the pease; be keerful how yu deal out youre shirts, for thare iz evry now and then a bogus heathin.
She was eddikated at a fust klass seminare, with a 9 months' vakashun in itevry year, and talks awl the languages, excep english, bravely.
It being agin the law tew carry consealed weepons, evry man carrys one in his hand.
I like a rat tarrier with hiz hair awl combed forward, hiz eyes on fire, hiz tale straight out stiff, evry muscle alive, and the entire dorg only 3 feet off from a rat hole.
Well, then, as the people begin to increase more and more evry day, Mr. Clansice came with me in my little room.
And on the Sabbath day I went out of town evry morning and afternoon when the weather was fair in sume solatry place to read, pray, sing, and think, as I did in other places.
I get it for doing evry thing I am told and being adoptid besides.
Tell him to rub your arm evry night before you go to bed, Grandma, and to have a hot soapstone for you.
There is a servant girl to do evry thing even passing your food to you on a tray.
Potter Gorham says they follow the cost line down south stoping evry day somewhere to eet.
Albert thougt he woodent lick him after all so he went back after his hat puling the bull dog along and stoping evry time he come to a tree or a post, then he got his hat whitch had been run over by a dingle cart with a lode of hay.
Pewt can do this evry nite he can keep the old man bizzy all the time and make a pile of money.
Cele brougt it up after father had went down town, and had evry thing did to me jest becaus i rote them leters and i dont see what there was in them leters to make ennyone mad.
Cele and she thinks if i wood reed the palsams evry day it wood help but i am afrade i coodent do boath.
Ward says you broak 2 winders in his shop, and i sed how cood i when i have been here evry minit.
Beanys father told my father that it was more punishment for his family when he kep Beany in the yard than it was to Beany becaus evry time he kept Beany in the yard all his frends come in and rased particklar hell.
Albert Clark whose kinliness and good deads are as well knone as his finanshal ability and probbity, are sutch as maik the blud of evry onnest man boil in their vanes.
Homer says: this is a higeous pictur of manners, such as I weap to think of, as evry morl man must weap.
His exlent pa went on, warming as he continued to speak, and drinking a fresh glas at evry full stop.
Having thus done my jewty in evry way, I shall prosead, in the nex chapter, to say what hapnd in my new place.
As for authografy, evry genlmn has his own: never mind spellin, I say, so long as the sence is right.
She drew her handkerchief out of her pocket, And threw it upon the ground, sir, Saying, Thrice cursed be to evry maid That will believe a man, sir!
He drew his sword out of his scabbard, And whet it upon his sleeve, sir, Saying, Cursed be to evry man That will a maid believe, sir!
Thro evry shoulder they bord a bore, And thro evry bore they pat a tree; They made him draw the carts o wine, Which horse and owsn were wont to drie.
But she must wash it very clean, For my heart's blood sticks in evry seam.
He's blawn his horn sae sharp and shrill, Up start the deer on evry hill.
On evry finger she has a ring, On her mid-finger she has three; She's as much gold on her horse's neck As wad by a earldom o land to me.
Evry citty has a thousand ov them, evry village a score, and evry naborhood its Aunt Dority, or its Unkle Darby, who whisper and buzz from Christmas to Christmas agin.
This breed waz in high repute among the landlords; almost evry tavern keeper had one, which he used tew show tew travelers, and brag on him.
These kind ov humin critters are alwus full ov natral flesh; evry boddy iz wrong but they grab thissells, whare other folks gather figs.
If a man iz born with this trait, it iz alwus the stoughtest one he haz got, and about the only one; for suspicions iz like sheep sorrell, a vinegary weed, that runs evry generous plant out ov the soil.
I intend to stick tew her till evry thread breaks, for she iz wuth a dozen nu-fangled ones.
I haint seen a dozen people ov the ballon purswashion, but almost evry one i meets ackts just az tho they had sum good common sense, and had brought enuff along with them to last while they staid.
May your eyes see dear evry step av the dark path you take till the hot cindhers av hell put thim out!
And evry Stone, and Evry Star a Tongue, And evry Gale of Wind a Curious Song.
May your eyes see clear evry step av the dark path you take till the hot cindhers av hell put thim out!
Missis Sawyer said she was going to have us arested and father he said if she wanted to arest me all rite but he wood get a lawyer and carry the case to the circus coart if it took evry cent he had and Mister Watson he said so two.
Charles Talor and Charles Gray and all the fellers began to pich into father jest fun like and father got the best of them evry time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.