Ay," said a priest, "if he will come down to us now, wewill believe in him.
One of the women laughed, and resumed her work, saying, 'Well, when I see him I will believe.
He will believe in the democracy of the fireside, and will reap his greatest reward in being loved by those whose lives he has enriched.
He will believe it the duty of every person to shed all the light he can, to the end that no child may be reared in darkness.
For thy sweet sake, I will believe so much, Flora Bannerworth; it is a condition with my hateful race, that if we can find one human heart to love us, we are free.
Deny it if you can--deny it on your honour and I will believe you, for you are no liar.
Do that, and I will believe you, merchant, though it would be better if you could bring it about that his face was set earthwards, as I will if I can.
Save it, and I will believe you," answered the prince, turning from her.
And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.
And if now thou sayest there is a God, behold I will believe.
He will believeno good, he will have no hope, either for himself or for the world.
Aengus said: "I will believe if my sister is resuscitated"--i.
And Ailill said: "I will believe if you resuscitate my son for me.
And any of these things I will believe sooner, than that Valmai Wynne can have changed.
My business is done; I will believe you," said Aram, frankly, and rising.
Henceforth, I will believe, that philosophy may exist in practice; and that a contempt for wealth and for honours, is not the mere profession of discontent.
Show me a sign,' said the king, 'and I will believe.
A man may believe in his country and love her; but let him join in a patriotic movement or even attend a high-spirited patriotic meeting, and he will believe in her and love her more ardently.
In comparison with such, it is obviously paltry business to drive a bargain with God that if all goes well we will believe in him, but if things look dark, then faith must go.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will believe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.