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Example sentences for "evaporating"

Lexicographically close words:
evanish; evanishing; evaporate; evaporated; evaporates; evaporation; evaporative; evaporator; evasion; evasions
  1. The only extra apparatus necessary is a couple of copper evaporating pans.

  2. An extract made by boiling the leaves in a large quantity of water, and evaporating the liquor with a strong fire, proves a bitter sufficiently grateful, without any disgustful flavour.

  3. It is a well-established and easily demonstrated principle that liquids in evaporating use up heat.

  4. The way salt got originally deposited in these great rock beds is very well illustrated for us by the way it is still being deposited in the evaporating waters of many inland seas.

  5. Blisters to the summit of the head and afterwards a cold evaporating lotion to the temples, are also recommended.

  6. Muriate of barytes, added to the water left on evaporating sixteen ounces to two, gave a precipitate weighing 8.

  7. Upon evaporating the liquid separated from the precipitate, it gave large yellow rhomboidal crystals, not transparent, and but slightly soluble.

  8. Upon evaporating the acid, and heating it to redness, it recovered its precipitating power, but gradually lost it again by a day’s repose.

  9. A quantity was put into an evaporating basin, and left covered over with paper from July 16th to August 28th.

  10. Englehart prepared a fresh portion from phosphorus and nitric acid, evaporating the solution in a platina vessel, and heating it to redness.

  11. An improved Evaporating Pan had been patented by Andrew D.

  12. His general conclusion was that the resistivity decreases much more quickly than the absolute temperature, so as to approach zero at a point not far below the temperature of nitrogen evaporating in vacuo.

  13. Then we tried to make a potable coffee by making an aqueous extract of raw coffee, evaporating to dryness and roasting the residue.

  14. It is then mixed with its own volume or thereabouts of powdered porcelain evaporating basins, broken basins being kept for this purpose.

  15. I have wasted a good deal of time in trying to bake Canada in evaporating basins, with the invariable result that it was either over or under-baked, and got dark in colour during the process.

  16. CaCO{3} and evaporating slightly, the salt is obtained in long needle shaped crystals of a pale straw yellow color.

  17. It is soluble with difficulty in ether but when in solution is deposited only on evaporating to a small volume.

  18. The solution should thus contain only the free acid sought, which crystallizes out on evaporating to a small volume.

  19. In order to recover the ortho-acid, the solution was neutralized with chalk forming the calcium salt: this converted into the potassium salt which by evaporating the solution to dryness was obtained as a white crystalline powder.

  20. From this the sodium salt was made by adding a slight excess of Na{2}SO{3} and evaporating to dryness.

  21. HCl or (3) by evaporating on the water bath with HCl.

  22. But in addition they offered such effective evaporating surface that they cast off rapidly the moisture obtained from the ground by the plant.

  23. Of recent years it has been discovered that even the very low temperatures obtained by evaporating liquid air, say three hundred degrees below zero, Fahrenheit, do not kill seeds or spores of mold.

  24. This places the water content of the chick's body at the mercies of the evaporating power of the air that surrounds the egg during incubation.

  25. This device simply gives a greater evaporating surface to the water and hence a greater addition to the vapor pressure.

  26. Moreover, no means has, in the past, been available for making a sufficiently accurate measurement of the evaporating power of the air.

  27. The crystals were merely placed in evaporating basins and covered with paper.

  28. The two precipitates of calcium tartrate are then mixed and decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid, and after the calcium sulphate is filtered off, tartaric acid is obtained as a solid by evaporating the clear liquid.

  29. Finally, for analytical purposes, caustic soda is purified by dissolving it in alcohol and subsequently evaporating the clear liquid.

  30. The food was cooked in large iron pots and pans in an open fireplace and seasoned with salt obtained by evaporating sea water.

  31. Do you remember evaporating sea water to get salt?

  32. Condensed milk is prepared by adding cane sugar to fresh sweet milk, then evaporating the mixture to one-third the original volume, forming a semi-solid product.

  33. Milk is also preserved by wholly evaporating the water, thus leaving a dry powder, which on being mixed with water again will have much the same properties as the original milk.

  34. In the evaporating dish cook a small piece of potato, then place a very small portion upon the slide, and examine with the microscope.

  35. It is the residue obtained by evaporating the water to dryness at a temperature of 212° F.

  36. Describe the appearance of each sample after evaporating and adding water.

  37. Organic Matter in Water Pour into the evaporating dish 100 cc.

  38. Colored spirit vinegar contains merely a trace of solid matter and can be readily distinguished from cider vinegar by evaporating a small weighed quantity to dryness and determining the weight of the solids.

  39. Place in an evaporating dish with 20 to 25 cc.

  40. Determining the Per Cent of Skin in Beans Place in an evaporating dish 10 gm.

  41. Now, when the trees were cut down, the small plants which grew in their shade died too, and left the bare earth to serve as a kind of natural evaporating apparatus.

  42. We disembarked after sailing to the end of these great evaporating pans, and found horses waiting to take us to the Bosque del Contador.

  43. Place one of these parts in an evaporating dish, and add to it 1 cc.

  44. Leach makes the same test by slightly acidifying a portion of the lean meat, then extracting with ether, and evaporating to dryness and testing the residue with a drop of ferric chlorid solution.

  45. Heat the mixture slowly nearly to the boiling point, in an evaporating dish, but agitating it all the while to prevent the curd collecting in one mass.

  46. The evaporating surface of this filth was more than 2000 square yards.

  47. One agate evaporating dish, and 2 or 3 wide-mouth glass bottles, that will hold the full quantity of silver solution in use.

  48. The new "agate iron ware" pots are the best for use as evaporating dishes.

  49. Elevate the bell-glass upon a little stage made of books or pieces of wood, so as to allow a spirit-lamp to be introduced underneath, and a little evaporating dish to be held above the flame by means of a ring of wire with suitable handle.

  50. Place the benzoic acid in the evaporating dish, over the flame, and presently the acid will ascend in vapor and fill the bell, which must not be quite closed at the top.

  51. Put the evaporating dish on the wire gauze over a Bunsen burner, and bring the liquid to a boil.

  52. Pour the clear liquid off into an evaporating dish, being careful not to let any solid particles of the salt go over.

  53. Now put a teaspoonful of the same hydrochloric acid into a clean evaporating dish.

  54. Now put a piece of silver or anything partly made of silver into the bottom of the evaporating dish.

  55. First wash two test tubes and an evaporating dish thoroughly, rinsing them several times.

  56. Put half a teaspoonful of lye and a quarter of a cup of water into a beaker, a small pan, or an evaporating dish.

  57. Pour the cleansing solution from the evaporating dish back into the bottle.

  58. Then put the piece of copper in the bottom of an evaporating dish, with the wire hanging out, as in Figure 177.

  59. Put a few drops of water in each of two evaporating dishes.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evaporating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    dissolving; evanescent; fading; fleeting; flying; fugitive; melting; passing; transient; vanishing