And men eten bothe the frut and the best: and [th]at is a gret merueylle.
The fowl that highte voltor, that eteth the stomak or the giser of Tityus, is so fulfild of his song that it nil eten ne tyren no more;' tr.
They that weren woxen swyn hadden by this y-chaunged hir mete of breed, for to eten akornes of okes.
Now I am loosed · bothe foot and honde; 420 Had I now eten · and dronken aright, Ther is noon in this hous · schulde binde me this night.
Swiche as the cursed monk dan Constantyn 1810 Hath writen in his book de Coitu; To eten hem alle, he nas no-thing eschu.
And the lovinge children, that whylom loveden so fleshly everich other, wolden everich of hemeten other if they mighte.
For of thy persly yet they fare the wors, 4350 That they han eten with thy stubbel-goos; For in thy shoppe is many a flye loos.
A bryde shal nat eten in the halle, 1890 Til dayes foure or three dayes atte leste Y-passed been; than lat hir go to feste.
Glotonye is unmesurable appetyt to ete or to drinke, or elles to doon y-nogh to the unmesurable appetyt and desordeynce coveityse to eten or to drinke.
Til he have eten al the barn, And his blood y-dronke.
But alle freres eten nought Y-liche good mete, But after that his wynnyng is Is his wel-fare, And after that he bringeth hom His bed shal ben graythed, 1460 And after that his richesse is raught He shal ben redy served.
And also the Sarazines bryngen forthe no pigges, nor thei eten no swynes flessche: for thei seye, it is brother to man, and it was forboden be the olde lawe: and thei holden hem alle accursed that eten there of.
And thei ne recchen of no thing, ne don not, but chacen afere bestes, to eten hem.
And thei eten flesche of serpentes; and thei eten but litille, and thei speken nought; but thei hissen, as serpentes don.
And princes and othere eten not, but ones in the day; and that but lytille.
In one of theise yles ben folk of gret stature, as Geauntes; and thei ben hidouse for to loke upon; and thei han but on eye, and that is in the myddylle of the front; and thei eten no thing but raw flessche and raw fyssche.
And aftre mete, thei wypen here hondes upon here skyrtes: and thei eten not but ones a day.
Thei bryngen before hem mete alle soden, als hoot as thei comen fro the fuyr, and thei leten the smoke gon up towardes the ydoles; and than thei seyn, that the ydoles han eten; and than the religious men eten the mete aftrewardes.
And thei seyn, that wee synnen, when wee eten flessche on the dayes before Assche Wednesday, and of that wee eten flessche the Wednesday, and egges and chese upon the Frydayes.
Thei fasten an hool monethe in the zeer, and eten noughts but be nyghte, and thei kepen hem fro here wyfes alle that monethe: but the seke men be not constreyned to that fast.
And aftre that, thei choppen alle the body in smale peces, and preyen alle his frendes to comen and eten of him, that is ded: and thei senden for alle the mynstralle of the contree, and maken a solempne feste.
And the othes thus done, the Frensshe lordes with theire felauship were brought to the kyngs tents, and there thei eten in the kyngs halle: but in all this tyme thei sawe not the kyng.
Ac this maister nor his man No maner flesshe eten; Ac thei eten mete of moore cost, Mortrews and potages Of that men mys-wonne Thei made hem wel at ese.
Ye wasten that men wynnen With travaille and with tene; Ac Truthe shal teche yow His teme to dryve, Or ye shul eten barley breed, And of the broke drynke.
In that contree is but lytylle whete or berley: and therfore thei eten ryzs and hony and mylk and chese and frute.
And whan thei han eten, thei putten hire dissches unwasschen in to the pot or cawdroun, with remenant of the flessche and of the brothe, till thei wole eten azen.
And theieten but litille bred, but zif it be in courtes of grete lordes.
And thei eten more gladly mannes flessche, thanne ony other flesche.
And thanne semethe in to the sone, that he is highliche worschipt, whan that many briddes and foules and raveyne comen and eten his fader.
Thei lyven fulle wrecched liche; and thei eten but ones in the day, and that but lyttle, nouther in courtes ne in other places.
But thei eten Flesche of alle other bestes, and drynken mylk.
In Tharse, thei eten no flessche, ne thei drynken no wyn.
And zee schulle undirstonde, that in alle his contree, ne in the contrees there alle aboute, men etennoghte but ones in the day, as men don in the court of the grete Chane.
Theise serpentes slen men, and thei eten hem wepynge: and whan thei eten, thei meven the over Jowe, and noughte the nether Jowe; and thei have no Tonge.
And men eten bothe the Frut and the Best; and that is a gret marveylle.
And eten it bred, and non bon breken, None of it is to be taken out of the house.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eten" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.