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Example sentences for "equated"

Lexicographically close words:
equalling; equally; equals; equanimity; equate; equates; equating; equation; equations; equator
  1. Basic human rights expressed by the constitutional conception of 'liberty' were equated with theories of laissez faire.

  2. Yucatan is shown to have been for many centuries the home of a people whose advancement equated that of the Aztecs at their palmiest day.

  3. Our sense of the depths from which he has ascended is equated only by our appreciation of the future opening before him.

  4. That can only be done if universality is thus equated with unity.

  5. It is frequently equated with apperception.

  6. We have no immediate knowledge of the transcendental syntheses that condition all consciousness, and in our complete ignorance of their specific nature they cannot legitimately be equated with any individual or personal agent.

  7. The former may be conditioned by representation, and may therefore be describable as appearances, but are not for that reason to be equated with representation.

  8. A similar criticism holds true of the conception of identity employed in the third Paralogism, and arbitrarily equated with the categories of quantity.

  9. They are known through subjective representations, but must not be directly equated with them.

  10. Thus though the phrase transcendental object does not occur in them, the object of knowledge is equated with x, and is regarded in the manner of the first stage as the opposite counterpart of the unity of the self.

  11. The category of substance and attribute, for instance, is the form of the categorical judgment, and may not be equated with any one of its single parts.

  12. The god A, who is also equated to the god Dubbisaguri (i.

  13. For not only are the first two elements of the Sumerian name identical with those of the Semitic Ut-napishtim, but the names themselves are equated in a later Babylonian syllabary or explanatory list of words.

  14. The disappearance of the type A culture must certainly be equated approximately with the rise of Hissarlik II.

  15. In Greece we have seen that Casson has shown good cause why we should believe that the advance of the men with the iron sword should be equated with the Dorian invasion.

  16. The fifth phase of this phenomenological nursology method can be equated to that phase of clinical professional nursing in which the nurse propels nursing knowledge forward.

  17. Mental illness costs the country two and a half billion dollars a year besides the more important untold human suffering that can never be equated in dollars.

  18. Naturally, the unsuspecting subject equated the period of not remembering, which was, as we know, true sleep, with the somnambulistic state.

  19. Society equated the worth of a man with doing and most specifically involvement in the generation of a commercial product for what other purpose did man have on the planet than to work toward making the world a more comfortable place?

  20. The state of Wisconsin uses a so-called "equated income" method of valuation and taxation for the lead and zinc deposits of the southwestern part of the state.

  21. However, Europeans and Americans have come to believe, at least in their subconscious minds, that civilization can be equated with progress in science and technology.

  22. Muslim members were reminded that their last names had been imposed upon them by the white man whom Fard equated with the Devil.

  23. The Welsh form of the name Michael is Mihangel, and as Michael was the Leader of all angels, the mi of this British mihangel may be equated with the Irish mo which, as previously noted, meant greatest.

  24. Jack is seemingly the same word as the Hebrew Isaac, which is defined as meaning laughter; Jack may thus probably be equated with joke and jokul with chuckle, all of which symptoms are the offspring of joy or gaiety.

  25. In Celtic mor or mawr also meant big, whence Morgan may be equated with big gan and Morgiana with either Big Jane or Fairy Giana.

  26. Part of Rochester is called Troy Town, which may be equated with the Duro- of Durobrevis the ancient name of Rochester.

  27. The place-name Thurrock and the word trauc, meaning a cave, may evidently be equated with the two first syllables of traugum and troglos.

  28. Ptolemy refers to Solway Firth as Ituna Estuarium, so that seemingly Eden or Ituna may be equated not only with the British rivers Ytene and Aeithon, but also with the Egyptian Aten.

  29. Josephus mentions that the Scythians were called Magogoei by the Greeks: by some authorities the Scythians are equated with the Scotti or Scots.

  30. From the Sun's true Place, take the equated mean Motion of the Lunar Apogee, as was above shew'd, the Remainder will be the Annual Argument of the said Apogee.

  31. The structure does not appear on any known map nor can it be equated with any specifications contained in the Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish or any other documentary source now available.

  32. In another passage it is directly equated with sukham brahma in the same way (ib.

  33. Or the errors of scale of the extreme parallels may be equated to that of the mean parallel.

  34. We see here how authority, of the thinking human being, is established and almost automatically equated with freedom.

  35. From barter to the trading of commodities futures and stock options, from money to the cashless society, markets constitute frameworks for higher transaction efficiency, often equated with profit.

  36. The populations adhering to these religions were largely illiterate, but derived important characteristics from religions based on the written word-the Word that was equated with God.

  37. The two civilizations, as we shall see later, can be equated period by period from the earliest times until the catastrophe of Knossos.

  38. Shaft- or Circle-Graves at Mycenæ, so that now for the first time Minoan can be equated with Mycenæan.

  39. Interference and stagnation are equated in exactly similar fashion to Adam Smith and his followers.

  40. The State became the servant of the individual from being his master; and service became equated with an internal policy of laissez-faire.

  41. He has not made a cent in profit from his felony but is still morally equated with a thief who has robbed the church poorbox and lit out for Brazil.

  42. The act of illicitly copying a document from a computer is morally equated with directly robbing a company of, say, half a million dollars.

  43. The rebel angels were equated with the Titans; {33} the power of temptation was personified in Ate; the rainbow of the covenant was identified with Iris.

  44. An inscription at Philae on the Nile equated him with the greatest of Greek deities, for he is "star of all Greece who has arisen as great Saviour Zeus.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.